“What…? Wednesday”: What Gets In The Way of Reading?

By Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

It’s time again to resurrect what we’ve been too busy and too exhausted to do for the past few months: What Wednesday!  It’s a way we encourage participation from readers by asking a simple “What?” questions that sparks discussion about why we’re all here: reading and books!

Today’s question is one I KNOW we all have an answer to even if we’re ashamed to admit it: what TV shows or movies have been getting in the way of your reading lately?   You know what I’m talking about!  It’s those late-into-the-night binges on Netflix and Hulu that keep you up all night and leave your book on the nightstand.  How about this?  I tell you mine if you tell me yours:

Yep, I’ve got one and it’s bad.  House of Cards has bitten me and I’m hopelessly addicted.  It’s smart, suspenseful, exciting, and so damn interesting.  Once I start I can’t stop!  If you haven’t watched this one I’d highly recommend it, even if you aren’t politically minded.

Next one is more of an obsessions because I’m all caught up on the show but sometimes I have this bad habit of searching the tag for it on Tumblr and then all the sudden it’s hours later.  Many of you will be familiar with this disease.  It’s called SHERLOCK.

It is beautiful, wonderful, kind, funny, exciting, mysterious, basically everything you want in a good boyfriend.  (Maybe THAT’S why everyone loves Benedict Cumberbatch?!)  You cannot go wrong with the show.  But whatever you do, don’t search the tag on Tumblr. Don’t.  Don’t!

Okay, I kept up my end of the bargain!  Now you tell me what has you watching instead of reading!