What We’ve Got Here Is, “Failure to Assimilate”

Posted on the 07 December 2015 by Adask

A Compulsion to Compel Obedience
[courtesy Google Images]

If you’re old enough to remember the A.D. 1967 movie “Cool Hand Luke” (starring Paul Newman) you might recall that when Luke insulted the warden, the warden (Strother Martin) knocked him down and said “What we’ve got here, is . . . failure . . . to communicate”.

Well, similarly, “what we’ve got here” (today, in America), in relation to devout Muslim immigrants, is “failure . . . to assimilate.”


Yahoo News published an article on the recent murders in San Bernardino, California.  I thought the headline—“Mosque members on San Bernardino shooter: ‘He was living the American dream’”—was especially revealing.

“Several Muslims who worshiped with the San Bernardino shooter say they were shocked by his killing spree because he had appeared mild mannered and ‘peaceful’.”

These Jihadists did not spend their days swinging scimitars above their heads and screaming “Death To America!” over bullhorns.  They didn’t look or sound like “terrorists”—they looked like us.

Point:  You can’t judge a terrorist by his “cover”.

“Members of the California mosques where gunman Syed Rizwan Farook prayed . . . told NBC News that they did not understand how he turned to violence when he appeared to have everything going for him.

“He was living the American dream. . . . .He had a really good job, really good pay. He had a wife. . . . He had a warm house.  He had a baby.”

Point:  The “American Dream” was not enough to overcome Farook’s Muslim faith and inclination to Jihad.  No matter what America might’ve provided for Farook and his family, it wasn’t enough—it could never be enough—to overcome the violent implications of his faith.

Farook and his wife, no matter how well they might’ve lived, no matter how much freedom they might’ve enjoyed—could never be “assimilated” into the American culture.

Implication:  No devout Muslim will ever be “assimilated” into the American culture.

More, devout Muslims will not settle for isolation or “segregation”.  They are compelled by their faith to overcome and even destroy any native culture that’s foreign to the Muslim faith.

•  I don’t believe that the two San Bernardino jihadists were an anomaly. I believe that a refusal to “assimilate” into the American culture is common to all devout Muslims.  I see the San Bernardino jihadists are stark evidence of the insanity of allowing more Muslims to enter into America.

Not all Muslims, but many, perhaps most, have no intention of ever “assimilating” into the American culture.  They enter this country as invaders who aren’t simply interested in sharing the American Dream.  Instead, they’re determined to destroy the American culture and replace it with a Muslim theocracy—or at least terrorize America into becoming a police state.

Why?  Because the American culture, that provided the basis for whatever prosperity we may still enjoy, was based on principles found in Christianity.  Those principles aren’t found in the Muslim faith and are therefore contrary to the Muslim faith.

Would you like an example of a principle that’s central to the American culture that Muslims can’t tolerate?

A Faith That Despises Freedom
[courtesy Google Images]

freedom of speech

How ‘bout “freedom of religion”?  Like most people who are religious, the Muslims presume theirs is the only true faith.  The world’s Jews, Catholics, Protestants all also believe their religion the only true faith.  But unlike most other religions that believe theirs is the only true faith, devout Muslims take their faith a step further by arguing that all other religions are intolerable and all non-Muslims should be enslaved or killed.

How ‘bout freedom, in general?  Muslim demonstrators routinely carry signs that say “To Hell With Freedom!”  At bottom, the Muslim culture is conducive to a strict theocracy enforced at the edge of a sword.  Muslims are opposed to all freedom—especially for non-Muslims. Muslims believe their faith is not optional but is compulsory.

We Christians look at Muslim demonstrators waiving signs about “Freedom Go to Hell” and we regard those signs as so incomprehensible that their holders must simply be profoundly ignorant.  Who, in their right mind, would object to “freedom”?  We suppose that after they’ve been in the western world for a while, got a mortgage on a house and a flat-screen TV, the Muslims come to appreciate freedom and realize how stupid those signs were.

We Christians are wrong.

The Muslims holding signs saying “Freedom Go To Hell!” aren’t lying, ignorant or stupid.  They are telling us a fundamental principle of their faith:  freedom in general and freedom of religion in particular, be damned.

It seems incomprehensible to the western mind and Christian faith that anyone could seriously object to freedom.  But, that’s exactly what Muslims adamantly believe and their opposition to freedom is central to their faith.

If you can tell me how a people who despise freedom as an act of faith can “compromise” with a people who love freedom as an essential element of their faith, I will tell you how these two people can be “assimilated”.  If you can’t tell me how those of intentionally despise freedom can compromise with with those who love freedom, then I will tell you that these two peoples can never be assimilated.

•  I’m not a student of the Muslim faith, but I recently heard someone (can’t recall who) who seemed credible, and who claimed that the Qur’an does not include a word equivalent to the English word “compromise”. I don’t know if that claim is true.  However, it’s definitely true that Muslims (like all religious people) refuse to compromise the basic principles of their particular faith.

For example, as a Protestant, I have no intention of compromising what I believe are the fundamental principles of my faith.  I am, in some regards, just as intransigent as Mr. Farook and his wife.  However, as much as I intend to cling to my own faith, I am very different from Muslims in that I have no inclination to force my faith on others by means of law, violence or beheadings.

A (perhaps, “the”) fundamental idea behind Christianity is that each man or woman voluntarily chooses to follow the Christ and thereby become a Christian.  No one is forced to be a Christian. Freedom to choose—or reject—the Christian faith is essential to determining who is, and is not, a Christian and who will, or will not, receive salvation.  The Christ will knock on your door.  He will not knock your door down with a tank.  It’s up to you to voluntarily choose to answer, or refuse to answer, His knock.

My disinclination to force my faith on others is a fundamental difference between most western peoples and Muslims.  Those of us in the West embrace the idea of freedom of religion.  If you want to be a Catholic, be one.  If you choose to be a Protestant, be one.

Even if you want to be an atheist, Hindu, or Satanist—be one.  Depending on the faith you choose, you might get some dirty looks.  Your kids might not be invited to play with my kids.  You’ll probably never be elected to public office so long as you openly embrace a faith that’s not biblical.  But, insofar as a fundamental principle of western culture is freedom of religion (that is, freedom not only to practice, but to choose your religion), your unconventional faith will generally be tolerated—at least so long as you tolerate the Bible-based faiths.

However, at its hard core, the Muslim faith does not embrace, recognize or tolerate a freedom of religion—a freedom to choose your religion.  If you want to be Jew, die.  If you want to be a Catholic, die.  If you want to be a Protestant, atheist, Hindu, Satanist or anything other than a Muslim, you die.

•  Imagine a faith—and then a culture—and then a people—who have no use, or even word, for “compromise”. Imagine a faith, culture and people who are fervent in their denial of the fundamental freedom of choosing your religion.

Could such a faith, culture or people ever be assimilated into another culture foreign to their own?  For such people, assimilation would be tantamount to suicide.  Such people will always refuse to be assimilated.

Even people like the Farooks in San Bernardino—who “had it all”—would rather kill and die than be assimilated.  Remember, according to members of the mosques they attended, the husband “appeared to have everything going for him. . . . He was living the American dream. . . . a really good job, really good pay. . . a wife. . . . warm house . . . [even] a baby.”

Clearly, those jidadists were devout Muslims.  They gave up everything, including a new-born baby and even their lives, to serve their faith.  On a personal level, their sacrifice was comparable to that of the Christ.

I’m not here to mock the Muslims.

I think they’re crazy.  I think they’re diseased. But you have to respect their commitment.  I admire their faith, up to a point.  I wish more Christians were similarly devout in terms of recognizing and holding tight to the principles of their faith and culture.

However, if I’m not here to mock Muslims, I am here to call a spade a spade.

Devout Muslims are like wild animals. The West is just as foolish to admit devout Muslims into the western world as it would be to allow crocodiles in public swimming pools.  It ain’t gonna work.  You can’t mix the public with the crocodiles and you can’t mix the Muslims with Christendom (the western world).

You can’t “assimilate” crocodiles into public swimming pools and you can’t assimilate devout Muslims into Christendom.  Ohh, such “assimilations” might seem to work for a while (it seemed to work for a while with Mr. & Mrs. Farook).  But whenever the crocodiles and/or the Muslims reach a certain population density, there will be “holy wars” marked by “ethnic cleansing” and the worst kinds of violence man can do to man.

If you live within a Muslim majority, you will inevitably be made to say the words that praise Allah and establish your claim to be a Muslim.  They don’t care what you believe in your heart. You could actually be a Protestant or a Satanist in your heart, but so long as you could be forced (perhaps by threats of beheading) to praise Allah with your words, you’d be welcome into the Mosque.

Can you imagine such compulsion in the Protestant faith?  Can you imagine being forced to say “I’m a Christian” and being accepted not only into the local church, but also accepted by the Christ and by God?  In the Christian faith, God will judge you based on your heart, not your words.  The fact that you’ve been forced to say, “I’m a Christian,” won’t be enough to save you from damnation.  You have to make a personal choice to follow the Christ and “be” or “become” a “Christian”.  And it has to be a free choice.

Devout Muslims sneer at the concept of free choice of religion. They claim to worship the same God as is worshipped by Christians and Jews.  But, for Muslims, it appears that that same God won’t judge you according to your heart and free choices.  You’ll be judged by your words and conduct, regardless of whatever your truly believe.

For Muslims, it’s simple:  say the words and you’ll be saved.

For Christians, it’s a little more complicated:  saying the words is not enough; you must actually and sincerely believe those words—and that sincere belief is reached only by sincere, personal choice.  That choice can only be made in the context of a culture that recognizes a freedom to choose, or reject, the Christian faith.

For devout Muslims, freedom of choice is anathema.  You will obey, like it or not, or you will be beheaded.

•  I believe that the difference between the Christian necessity for freedom to choose their faith and the Muslim need for compulsion is so great and fundamental that Muslims don’t belong in the Christian world. Christians don’t belong in the Muslim world.  Make a line.  Muslims stay on one side; Christians stay on the other.  Muslims and Christians are not compatible—they can’t be compatible—because Muslims insist on no compromise, no assimilation and no freedom—especially the freedom to not only practice, but to choose, your own religion.

The essence of Christianity is voluntary choice.  The essence of Islam is involuntary compulsion.

The Muslims who refuse to be assimilated are right.  No compromise is possible between one faith that’s based on violent compulsion and another faith based on voluntary choice.

Segregation is essential.

Those who bring Muslims into America are guaranteeing that a “clash of civilizations” will take place, right here, in America.  One civilization believes in freedom to choose your religion.  The other “civilization” says “To Hell with Freedom” to choose your own religion.

No compromise is possible.  As seen in the Farooks’ attack in San Benardino, the fundamental distinctions between devout Muslims and other faiths are too great for “assimilation” to take place.  You either segregate now or eventually fight to the death.