What Type of Learner Are You?

Posted on the 21 January 2020 by Ewong0117
All of us learn in different ways. To make things easier, the VARK model categorizes learners into four main types:
  • Visual
  • Audio
  • Read/ Write
  • Kinesthetic

Visual Learners

As the words suggest, visual learners learn best with graphics. They need to see their learning materials in order for them to process them. If you are a visual learner, creating mindmaps, charts, infographics, and so on are the best ways to learn. 

Audio Learners

Audio learners listen through hearing. An audio learner learns best when he or she hears what's being taught. If you are an audio learner, you may like to ask yourself questions on the topics you have learnt and answer them out loud. Audiobooks are great for such learners as they save the step of converting information in books to audio (whether literally or in their mind). 
If you need to memorize information, consider reading and recording the information, and listen to it repeatedly. With handphones being so ubiquitous today, you could simply use it to record and listen to the information. Alternatively, get a sound recorder like this. They are not expensive these days too.  

Read/ Write Learners

The read/ write type of learners need to read and write out in order to process information. To be effective, such learners write out what they are learning to learn. If you learn best in this manner, consider writing a summary of what you learn after each chapter.

Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners learn through actual physical activities. For such learners, if they can see and touch the subject of what they are learning, they get to remember them better. So, if you are a kinesthetic learner, you may like to equip yourself with these Chemistry kits. These are some examples that I recommend:
  • 240 pcs molecular structure building --- suitable for learning chemical bonding and organic chemistry. 
  • Condenser or  chemistry laboratory apparatus --- suitable for learning experimental chemistry

If kinesthetic learners are unable to get yourself suitable equipment related to their studies, then turn each learning into an activity. 

Find Out What Type of Learner You are

If you are unsure what type of learner you are, then try learning with all four methods, and see which yield the best results. Also note, we may learn best with a combination of methods, or more than one methods. Everyone is different.