What Trump Will Do to America & World If Win Again?

Posted on the 15 September 2020 by Aamritri

Everyone knows what is happening in the USA now, but what will happen if Trump wins again? Its a common question in everyone's minds including Americans and also the whole world. Our article What Trump will do to America explain many important points that are discussed on the base of what will happen if Trump wins or lose the upcoming elections.


People are desperately waiting for the USA elections all over the world. If people of America think it's only important for them, that's very wrong. Everyone in the world is looking for what will actually happen after Trump wins again? Too many people are not satisfied with him, some people think he damages the USA as a country in the world, they wonder what Trump will do to America if successfully beat his popular opponent Joe Biden.

But there are millions of people who love Trump policies like the withdrawal of forces from other countries, Fight against foreign people, and more. People are also confused about his fight against black people because he is considered as worse President to deal with the latest situation like the Killing of George Floyd. But there are a lot of protestors who are in favour of him, so there is a divide between Trump followers & others.

Below are some points which are discussed with some details about how Trump's victory again is best for America or World or Worse. Remember, this is just a neutral particle that is not supporting anyone particular, the main focus is to see what is the impact of Trump winning on the USA & World.

Important Points

Below is complete details of points which you must know before voting for Trump / Joe Biden.

Insult of the USA in the whole World:

() - He is the only president in the world who is popular for his tweets in all over the world. Some of these tweets are funny, ridiculous and millions of people all over the world make fun of him. It's not a problem if he is not representing the USA as president, but when people make fun of him, they actually making fun of the United States of America as a whole. So you can imagine what is going to happen if he wins again, another 4 years of insult for the USA. Read some of his tweets on the Week, which explains a lot about his attitude. For bloggers its a rare opportunity, they can create a blog about Trump tweets & get thousands of visitors who are searching for it, that's a huge profit.

( Joe Biden Wins ) - That's better for the USA. Almost every other President in the history of America was better, you can expect Biden behaving similar to them. Trump is only one and possibly be the last president who is "Tweeting without Thinking".

For the World ? If Trump wins again, People from all over the world will have a lot of chances to enjoy his funny or ridiculous tweets for 4 years & have fun.

Immigration Rules to Be Changed:

() - Trump is talking all the time about keeping people from other countries away from the USA. It doesn't matter if people of America hate his new policies but for a country, his policy is really perfect. He also thinks about allowing only people which have good skills and able to provide good services to the USA instead of illegal immigrants. Read NILC, which provides a list of his tweets about illegal refuges. Remember, when a country receives too many illegal people who are willing to work for low daily wages, that's really a disaster for people of that country. In simple words, thousands of people are hired because they ask for less salary compare to normal standard money to be paid for original citizens. If he wins, that's best for America because he may be able to create some better rules to get rid of illegal immigrants and provide more job opportunities for locals. Millions of People already lost their job because of Corona Virus & the situation is going to get worse every day. We suggest our users read this article which may help them find a job, Covid-19 And Unemployment: What Can You Do?

( Joe Biden Wins ) - If Biden wins, he may try to make the USA a place for everyone. He may try to reverse all decisions by Trump to make the USA the best place for local people 1st, not foreigners. For the USA, that's really bad because more people coming to the USA without any skills means burden to the economy. There are millions of local people without jobs already and if Trump war against immigrants stops, that's may become worse.

For the World ? That's not good news for the world, because Trump may try his best to stop coming to the USA. It means those people from different countries looking for a better future, may lose their chances badly.

Withdrawal of American Forces:

( Trump Wins) - American forces are fighting wars all over the world by using different excuses. Most people in the world think the USA must mind their own business & stop interfering with other countries' internal matters. For example, 9/11 produces an opportunity for the USA to attack Afghanistan but Thousands of people in America & millions all over the world consider it an inside job, read BBC article for more info. They also attack Iraq on basis of Weapons of Mass Destruction, which no one is able to find yet. More than 2000 USA soldiers are only killed in Afghanistan & thousands of injured & some of them are forever lost their body parts too. Trump is on missions to remove forces from all conflict zones like Syria, Iraq & Afghanistan. If he wins again, you can see a lot of American soldiers leaving different danger zones of the world & returning home. This is what you can consider as best for American people & soldiers who are tired of endless wars. There are thousands of soldiers returned already spending the rest of their life paralyze. Read the CNBC article as an example of how much Trump os desperate to remove forces from other countries and finish endless wars.

( Joe Biden Wins ) - You may see more soldiers are going to all over the world on different bases if Biden wins. He may likely to follow the same rules which every other President was doing in past. If Trump loses, you can see more millions of USA funds which they should spend on people, losing to useless wars in the world. There are more chances of soldiers returning back in Coffins, injured when losing hands, legs, or other body parts.

For the World ? The world will love if Trump wins and continue the withdrawal of forces from countries like Afghanistan & others. Whatever America says they become a symbol of hate in too many countries. Millions of people in countries where they invade want to see them leaving their countries.

Division of Americans on Racism

() - After the killing of Black Man in the USA, people started to protest in all American states. Later this protest spreads in different European countries too. But the main problem for the United State of America is how Trump is handling this situation. Read the VOX article which explains Trump 50 years of history as racist. Now you can understand what will happen if Donald Trump wins again, you can see too much division in the whole nation. Expect more bloody violence in his next 4 years because he is trying to deal these matters very badly. Too many people think he is supporting racism and his hate for black people is getting worse every day. Never consider it as a good sign for America if he wins again because if a President is promoting Racism, you can imagine what is happening in whole Country.

( Joe Biden Wins ) - Biden is a very serious and honest candidate who can easily stop this divide of Whole nation. He is not popular as a Racism and also there is no 50 years' history behind him hating black people. He is perfect for American people to unite the whole nation again similar to previous responsible presidents.

For the World ? Every country that is hurt by the USA may love to see them divided into different groups on the base of anything. For example, if Trump wins & racism gets worse in America, people in Iraq or Afghanistan will love it. But those countries who are receiving too much money from their people living in the USA, may want Biden to win and the whole country to be stable again.

War with China

() - Everyone knows about China and how they are trying to become the next superpower in the world. Read Foreign Policy article about how China is focusing on becoming World Super Power. China is increasing its Army, military power, Economic strength and also making too many allies all over the world. They are building their Belt and Road Initiative which will connect them to the whole world. No one can stop China if they are able to build this system successfully. Now the USA needs a president who is very strong, intelligent to deal with the whole situation. China may love Trump to win this election because he is never gonna allow America to be stable ever. The USA is fully on war with China on almost every front, losing badly because China already prepared over 70 years for this moment, and the USA loses trillions of dollars in useless wars. You can understand what Trump will do to America if wins again, defeat in the war with China on every front.

( Joe Biden Wins ) - Biden is the only man who is very senior and able to provide America the upper hand in war with China. The USA needs to make a lot of important plans and follow them to defeat China on every front. They must tr to make new blocks in the world, prepare for massive trade wars, and much more. If the nation is divided into groups on the base of racism and some other issues when they will plan to defeat China. Millions of people are jobless, the USA debt is increasing and becoming a big problem every day.

For the World ? Different countries really love China policy, they never interfere in internal matters of a country. Unlike the USA, who is forcing countries to change policies and too much effect on them, People love China. The whole world will love if TRump wins again, they will see the fall of a superpower & rise of the better nations who behave better compared to the USA. China never sends thousands of troops in any country, killing millions of innocent people all over the world, of course, they will love Trump to win.


All of these above points are very important and people will see their impact after the election. Some policies of Trump are very good for the USA but a few are worse. If Trump loses, the American establishment may try to continue their War with the whole world.

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