What to Wear When You’re Retired

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

I thought , perhaps , you might want to cover what an older (but not feeling older) woman in my situation could wear in different situations.
I don’t think I would be the only one interested. ( there seems to be advice for the “new Mum”, and the “woman going back into the workforce”  but, an older woman going out of the workforce doesn’t seem to get much notice. I am not critisizing , this is just what I have noticed. I think, sadly, that we are lumped together with the frumpy image of ,maybe, a woman without makeup, going around in an
ill fitting track suit who has given up. This is CERTAINLY NOT ME, and I think there are many others who would agree with me.

Do you think you could cover smart, casual attire for the older, retired woman who still wants to be well groomed when she is, perhaps , in the following situations…..

1) Going to B.B.Qs with family & friends. ( I live in a suburb of lovely Adelaide so we often eat outdoors whenever we can, lucky us)

2) Visiting grandchildren at school functions. ( I thoroughly enjoy my grandchildren & have a lot of time with them, lucky me!)

3) Food shopping, going to library,going to big shopping centres & meeting friends & looking at clothes.

4) Family celebrations. ( birthdays , special birthdays & milestones &

5) Beach holidays. ( we usually visit lovely Trinity beach near Cairns when we can in our winter, lucky us!)

6) Travelling ( whether by plane or boat)

7) lunching

My thoughts on clothing when you’re retired are:

  • That your requirements aren’t too much different from the clothes you’d need as someone who works in a smart casual environment and have an active social life.
  • That many retired women start dressing really old and frumpy for fear of dressing too young and “muttony”.
  • Many older women become very comfort driven, so clothing needs to fulfill that need and not be binding of uncomfortable.

So what do you need in your wardrobe?

What’s your personal style?  Do you prefer pants or skirts?  Do you wear heels or only flats?  What are your must haves and your will never wears?

What to Wear when You’ve Retired by imogenl featuring a yellow necklace
  1.  Look for styles that are current and modern.  Many of your everyday errand style clothing would be similar to that of a busy mother, as they are practical and easy care.    Just because you are older than the average mother, doesn’t mean you have to dress ‘old lady’.
  2. Be aware that your drive for comfort make make you want to wear clothes that are too large for you.  To avoid this, look for fabrics that have some stretch so that you can move easily, without wearing larger sizes.
  3. Don’t wear too much volume at once.  It’s common for women as they age to want to cover up their bodies more and they can end up wearing two voluminous garments at the same time, and that will swamp your frame and make you look larger.  Instead, one garment can be worn at a time with volume, the other needs to be more fitted.
  4. Be careful of the ‘old lady’ shops.  Ones that are aimed at older women can tend to be frumpy.  They may have a few more modern pieces, but   if you’ve lost your sense of style and worry about looking too young, you may need some help from a stylish friend or image consultant when shopping.
  5. Jackets are a great way to cover up your more likely, softer, mid-section.  Look for softer jackets rather than classic jackets.  Jackets made from materials with some stretch will be much more comfortable and wearable.  Throwing a jacket over jeans and a knit top will instantly make you look more pulled together.
  6. Don’t forget to accessorize.  The older you get, you can become bolder with your accessories.  Anything too dainty can look too young or immature.
  7. Claim your style, be bold.   You have got to an age where you can choose to dress as you please, with no employer to tell you what to wear, dress to express your creativity and your personality.  Enjoy the process of getting dressed each day, seize it as an opportunity rather than just something that has to be done so that you are not naked.

For inspiration check out the blog Advanced Style.  Notice how the outfits are put together and how they are accessorized.