Normally I tend to pack well for any sort of holiday however with budget caravan holidays I always find I need to take little extras which often you get whilst on other holidays such as holidays abroad. Items which we are taking on our Devon Cliffs holiday include: Tea towels, washing up liquid/cloths, towels - 2 sets for each person, one for the swimming pool and one to use when having a shower, matches, baking trays, knifes, plastic plates/cutlery for Maxwell, kitchen roll, toilet roll, lunch boxes - perfect to store dry food items in or perfect to take along to the beach. We are also taking blankets as we are not expecting hot weather and there is only 1 heater in the caravan which is situated in the lounge. Normally we do take our own bed linen however on this occasion it is included.
Next up I like to sort our clothing out. For Maxwell we pack 4 pairs of P'J's as well as a thick onsie, 4 vest's incase the weather gets cold, swimming clothes, 6 pairs of socks - 2 spare incase they get wet, nappies/pull ups/pants, 7-8 t shirts, 6 pairs of trousers, 5 jumpers/hoodies, 1 rain jacket and a warm coat. I also tend to pack welly boots for Maxwell incase the weather is dull and he want's to go and jump in muddy puddles. I also always pack Maxwell a pair of slippers incase the caravan is cold at night on his little feet. This occasion I will also be taking him a hat/glove set as we are right on the coast and we often enjoy going for walks.
For Ben and I, clothing is much easier and we tend to need less. I pack 5 sets of underwear for each of us, 5 lots of trousers, swimming gear, 5 lots of t'shirts, 5 jumpers/cardigans, welly boots for myself and a smart pair of shoes for the evening. I also tend to pack 2 going out outfits for the evenings.
As always in our clothing bag, we place any toiletries that we may need. We tend to pack: Deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, body gel, shampoo, wipes, tissues, hairbrushes, hairdryer, a flannel for Maxwell to cover his eyes with when showering, hair products and any sort of make up that I may need.
Maxwell often needs entertaining whilst on holiday and although the caravan comes equipped with a TV and there are activities for Maxwell to do on site, I often need to bring him toys to keep him happy. This time around we are taking Maxwell's DVD player with a few DVD's, arm bands and a swimming float for when he goes swimming, Small toys which are easy to play with in the caravan - trains, cars, small jigsaws, colouring in books, sticker books and a bucket and spade for the beach.
We do not take any food with us as I often enjoy going to hunt for a supermarket when we get there. Buying food instead of eating out saves us a shed load of money, we can still eat well on holiday! I have found that Devon Cliffs is actually only a short car ride away from a town, if we forget anything then we can always go and purchase it!
The night before we go away on holiday, we tend to fill up our car with our holiday bits and create a box full of goodies to eat on the car journey. I hate paying outrageous prices at the services and taking our own means we do not have to stop for any food on our journey. A last few minute bits that I tend to pack on the morning of our holiday is our booking confirmation, money/cards/ID, Mobile phone's and chargers laptops and chargers.