Continued from What to Expect During Your Postpartum Stay at the Hospital after a C-Section Delivery
Take it Easy and Rest as Much as Possible
I was happy to be home so that I could actually get some rest when the baby was sleeping. The only downside to going home, you no longer have the luxury of being waited on by the hospital staff hand and foot for simple things or to help you with the baby. Hopefully, you have someone who is able to help you once you get home from the hospital so that you don’t have to do everything on your own. I realize the reality of having other children at home or that your spouse has to return back to work sooner than you would have liked and that you need to be back on your feet helping them. However, if you end up doing to much or move too quickly it can result in longer healing times or increased pain. If possible, ask family or friends if they are able to come over and help you during the day so that you can rest as much as possible; especially, if you have young children at home that need your help.
Take Care of Yourself While You are Recovering From Your C-Section
Remember that it is important that you take care of yourself so that you don’t accidentally rip your incision open or increase your pain levels. My doctor told me that I should only lift my baby and nothing heavier to avoid hurting myself. He also recommended taking my pain medications on time to prevent the pain before it started, especially first the first few days. Simple things such as going to the restroom, showering, eating, and getting up to grab a drink during the first few days will seem like a chore but it does get easier as your body begins to heal.
Just When You Think You Are Back To Normal Think Again
Most women begin to feel somewhat normal around 5 to 7 days after a c-section and they begin increasing their activity. If your doctor used internal dis-solvable stitches, these will begin to dissolve around 7 to 10 days post surgery. It is important during this time, to remember to continue to take things slowly and don’t over do it. By this point, you probably haven’t needed your pain medication nearly as often as you did when you first came home from the hospital. However, as your stitches begin dissolving, you may need to use your pain medication again especially at night when your body is fatigued.
Signs and Symptoms of a Possible Infection Following a C-Section
Let your doctor know if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- increased pain around incision
- fever greater than 100.4
- redness around your incision site
- swollen incision
- discharge or pus oozing from the incision site
- excessive itching around incision
Many Mom’s Who Have a C-Section Find Pillows to be Extremely Helpful
Use pillows to help prop you up in bed so that you can easily sit up. If you need to cough, yawn, or sneeze, many mom’s find it helpful to grab a pillow and place it on your stomach. Doing this will help minimize your pain and support your stomach muscles. I remember that it hurt to cough or sneeze. In fact, I always tried to cough as lightly as possible, which sometimes is hard to do.
Climbing Stairs Can be Challenging While Recovering from a C-Section
I was lucky that I didn’t have to worry about climbing any stairs, but some new moms aren’t as lucky. If your home has stairs, if possible find a comfortable spot in the house in the lower level for the first few days so that you can avoid climbing the stairs. Climbing stairs can cause increased pain because it uses your stomach muscles. Having a c-section weakened the muscles in your abdomen, when your doctor had to cut your lower abdomen muscles to get your baby out. I found a great tip to help mom’s who have no choice to use stairs during their recovery. Hilary Morris said, “if you have to climb stairs it is best to walk up them going backwards to avoid excessive use of your stomach muscles”. (see reference below)
Products That I Recommend to Make Recovering from A C-Section Easier
Pack and Play Travel System
Pack and Play Systems are great because you don’t have to bend down to pick up your baby when changing or putting them down to sleep.
Infant Swings
Swings allows mom to put baby in a safe spot while they are sleeping or when mom has to take care of her personal needs.
Bouncy Seats
Bouncer Seats are another great option for mom’s who want to put baby down in a safe spot while they are napping or when mom needs to take care of herself. Bouncy seats are also portable so they can even be used when your baby is awake.