The Christmas maybe over but handling gifts and presents may not be. It is believed to be 1 out of every 3 presents are unwanted. What are you going to do with 3 tins of Quality Street Chocolate? What are you going to do with the Animal measuring scale you got from your uncle? Here are few ideas to help you to get rid of them (or shall we say good use of them?)
1. Get refund: A lot of the gifts come with the receipts. Usually they have adeadline of 1 or 2 weeks to swap or get refund. Look out for the receipt before you throw away the wrapping paper to your recycle bin.
2. Reuse them as Gifts: Sound like frying a fish on its own oil? Well, it exactly is. If you are unable to refund or exchanged the gift, check your diary, whose birthday is coming soon? The easiest ones are the Wine and Champagne bottles. Do remember not to use the same item to the person who actually gave you that on Christmas. Before you forget who gave what to you, make a list!
3. Re-selling: Some may argue that this option should be number one. You can easily re-sell your unwanted gifts and presents. Of course you can use our site to list the item for sell. When you do that don’t forget to mention this is an unwanted gift. It may fetch for higher price than you expected. Also you should keep the item as much intact as possible.
4. Swap: Another option becoming hugely popular these days. You are not the only one who received something you didn’t want or there is no use to you. Advertise your item on our swap and exchange category, you never know what deal you are going to get.
5. Donate: The easiest and hassle free option. You can easily donate the unwanted gifts and presents to your local charity. If you don’t have any local charities, you can easily ask people to collect the item from your place. And oh – you can advertise that on our free to collect items section too (shameless plugging again )