What to Do When Your Assets Head South

By Ohsocynthia @OhSoCynthia

Photo: FlourishOver50.com

My birthday falls on May 5 and I always joke that because it is Cinco de Mayo, I have a whole Country celebrating my birth. It’s not MY Country… but it’s a Country nonetheless. Top that. This year, I’m not so excited for the occasion to roll around because I will be 46. This came with the realization that I am officially on the downside to 50. Yikes.
My older friends all told me this day would come. As you approach 50, gravity sets in. You start to notice a loss of elasticity in your skin, especially in your face and breasts. Nooooooooo! You can accept aging gracefully or you can tackle it head (or breast) on. I have always been a football fan, so I am going with the tackle thing. When your best assets start to head south, it’s time to call in the experts – so I asked Dr. Diane Gibby what she recommends to her patients facing this issue. Her first recommendation is to decide exactly what you need – breast augmentation, breast lift or both. Next is choosing the CORRECT breast size and breast implant choice.

Studies show that the majority of women who have undergone breast augmentation are extremely pleased with the results. If there is a complaint, it is usually related to their choice of breast implant size. In fact, the leading cause of subsequent surgeries is to modify the size of the implant. Haven’t you heard that “more than a mouthful’s a waste”. Don’t turn yourself into a porn star, ladies; it’s all about proportion! Deciding on the right breast size is something that Dr. Gibby spends a lot of time on with her patients. Once a woman decides on breast augmentation the next decision is often what size implant to use. This is a very important and personal choice and should be considered carefully. Some women desire a very subtle look while others want a more dramatic contour. Body shape, weight, height, and size of breasts prior to augmentation should also be considered when considering implant size.
The bottom line (except we’re not talking about bottom’s today) is that “aging gracefully” means different things to different people. And if plastic surgery is how you plan to address graceful aging, I highly encourage you to consult with an expert like Dr. Diane Gibby to make sure you are making educated and thoughtful decisions. And if you chicken out, there are lots of great bras out there that offer additional lift and support. Visit  http://www.drgibby.com/ for more info or make an appointment for a consultation by calling (972) 566-6477.
Here’s to another birthday (lifts martini glass). I am now taking reservations for my month-long celebration in May. If you’d like to book a brunch, lunch, dinner or cocktail appointment to help me celebrate - ie, drown my sorrows - just let me know!
This post was brought to you by The Women's Center for Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery. For more information on Dr. Diane Gibby and the services provided her practice, visit http://www.drgibby.com/.  While I did receive compensation for authoring this post; product selections, descriptions, and opinions are 100% my own. Interested in a sponsored post or product review? Contact me for rates and details.