What to Do About Diastasis Recti?

Posted on the 04 January 2016 by Dave Nevue

Moms, watch out! Your might suffer from Diastasis recti. Don't be in a hurry to return to your pre-pregnancy fitness routine or begin a new one. There are many great fitness guides and programs out there but few are adjusted to the special circumstances of a postpartum body. If you haven't reactivated your inner abdominals and your outer abdominals are still separated (diastasis recti) you'll put your stomach under way too much pressure if you do exercises like crunches and sit-ups, planks, push-ups and other challenging exercise like heavy weight lifting, running, jumping, not to mention burpees...

Before beginning regular exercise your postpartum body, your stomach in particular, needs rehabilitating exercise. Exercises that are kind to your post-pregnancy body and targeted to reactivate your inner abdominals, designed to help heal weakness in muscles and tissue and to help your separated abdominals come together again.

Read more about Diastasis recti here or in my Post-Pregnancy Belly Guide.

//Nicole Hellgren