What To Do...?

By Kate_miller

Johnny Jump Ups are the cheeriest little flowers. I start them from seed indoors.

For weeks, now, we've been suffering through the worst weather conditions imaginable: bright blue skies, warm temperatures, gentle breezes, happy sunshine...
It is so miserably beautiful around here, I feel like jumping off a cliff.

I am grateful for a super sunny room, where most any flower happily blooms.

I'm one of those weirdos who actually likes winter. Which is why I live in ski country. Only this year, we have no snow.
I have not called in sick, lying about an illness so I could go skiing, even once this season. (My employers are becoming suspicious of my sudden dedication.)

This is a favorite color combo of mine ~ yellow + red = loud & proud!

While the tourists are rejoicing ~ 'Oh, it's so warm!' ~ I'm left pondering what this weather pattern will do to my world.

Can't live without a window full of Cyclamen. (This pic inspired by Jenn, Garden of Threads.)

Will winter show it's pretty face? And, if so, when? Seems summer comes later every year. And, it's already painfully late. These last 2 seasons I've had to wait until mid-June to plant perennial seedlings.

Love the Daisy-like blooms of this crazy little cactus hybrid.

So, I'm sitting here, staring at a stack of flower and veggie seeds. All befuddled. 
Should I start them? 
Should I wait? 
Should I take out a loan for a greenhouse? 
Perhaps I should throw in the towel and build myself a biosphere.
You know what they say... Go big. Or, go home.
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