What This New School Year Brings

By Expatmum @tonihargis
So - we're back at school and it's all very different.
For a start I now only have one child at school. That hit me when I was filling in the calendar. I used to have to write which grade each meeting was for. When you have three kids in the same school it gets very confusing, and during the first few weeks of a new school year, I was at school a lot. Now I can just write "Curriculum meeting, 7pm" and I don't have to add "6th grade". Very weird.
I'm also relieved of my walking-to-school responsibilities, SOB. The Little Guy is now 5'3" and over 100 pounds so we're forced to agree that a kidnapper would probably look for easier prey. The school is three blocks away and the only really busy road has lights and a crossing guard. My biggest worry is that he'll faff around after school and I will start to think that some kidnapper wanted a challenge. (We've given him a very basic talk and text phone, but the chances of that being charged are slim. Either that or he'll leave it in his locker.)
On the brighter side - I don't have to get dressed at an ungodly hour. But I will. I don't want to turn into one of those housecoat ladies. (Not that I know any.) I have promised my fat belly that I will put on my workout stuff as soon as I get up, and not allow myself to put any other clothes on until I'm disgustingly sweaty from a challenging workout.
The other difference comes at around 2.30pm, when I used to have to start winding down whatever I was doing to go and pick up LG at 3pm. Now that he's walking back from school by himself, I will have to be home, but I don't have to do as much "stopping". I have a feeling that he'll forget so much stuff each day, it might be worth it just to stand at the school gates, ask him what he's forgotten and hope it jogs his memory before we get home. Or I could text him, I suppose.....but that would mean that his phone was working.... Hmmmm.
Changes, changes.