What the Social Media Manager Satisfies

Posted on the 12 June 2013 by Maria Snyder @MariaConsulting

Comfort knowing social postings are relevant.

Is that all? No it is not.

Many have asked what a social media manager does, what role do they satisfy?

It’s an easy explanation and depends on the context of the question.

Business social media marketing puts products and services in front of your target customer audience. Social media methods, keywords and content reach your customer where they engage on the social web. Opportunities to reach and engage customers in one on one conversations is priceless.

Individual social media management is for reputation, professional image and impressions on profile networks like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. They say it’s all in the settings because they matter. Separation or inclusion of business identities comes with pros and cons. Children, especially teens need guidance including monitoring on social media.

Like I said, it depends on the context of the question.

What thoughts does a social media manager have?

It’s all about clarifying and building your identity while actively engaging with someone else in a fun and relevant way.

Social media management by a professional is frequently neglected.

Here is just a partial list of what the social media manager satisfies:

  • Opportunity to be known/remembered
  • Relevancy
  • Presence
  • Social etiquette
  • Open communication and dialogue
  • Community management
  • In depth understanding of business/individual goals
  • Monitoring
  • Analysis of data
  • Coordination with other marketing initiatives
  • Up to date social topics, tends and tools
  • Interactive growth management and maintenance
  • Development of online strategy
  • Spam filtering
  • Google juice, yes social postings are indexed
  • That social media will be taken care of

Social media is a strategy worthy of a five to six digit salary varying throughout the USA.

How much time do you think the above tasks take?

Social media consulting is a service where a commitment to quality is actively promoted. It’s not competing with your core brand identity, nor seeking to change it in any way. It’s seeking to build with your audience what they should already know and love about you.

A social media manager (strategist) task list goes far beyond the updating of Twitter, Google Plus and other networks for clients. While they are part of the overall result, the extension of responsibility to collecting data, interpreting analytics results and figuring out the best means to increase the return on investment is more important.

Return on investment is key, business still needs money.

Individual social media impressions are remembered.  Maybe you shouldn’t be at a bar or drinking in every Facebook post, especially if posts go to LinkedIn?

If social media isn’t returning value or being measured to do something, then do it!

P.S. Consider hiring someone [click here to hire me] to take care of social media. Free the business owner to run the business.  Free the individual of worry about impressions made.

P.P.S.S. Read my blog [click here] for more insight into what I can do for you and then [click here to hire me].

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