What the Future Looks Like.

By Leah @ Oppositeocean @leahcb

During the last weeks I’ve been adjusting to a new schedule at university and attempting to get everything organized to pave the path for another semester of learning. As a literature student, naturally I have a lot of things to read. The reading list is quite full and just seems to keep growing. Studying literature is quite different than some other courses since the reading must be done on a certain schedule or the lectures don’t hold as much meaning as they potentially could. Here’s a quick look into a fraction of the reading I will be doing in the coming months. There are a few books that have been on my list for quite some time.

Of course, the bottom book doesn’t have to be read in its entirety. Nearly 3000 leaf-like pages comprising the complete works of William Shakespeare would be a bit overboard. In addition to these beauties there are other not-so-fun articles to be read and excerpts from additional novels. This semester is certainly spelled out for me.

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