What Should Be In My Nursery?

By Peppertan

Having a baby means you will be building a brand new home. You will be more focused on the stuff your baby needs rather than your own. Of course, you will want your baby to have a place of its own, to have a nursery. But you have questions, like:

But how do I start building my nursery?

What do I need in a nursery?

What is necessary for my baby to have a comfortable space?

Fear not, dear Mom. We’re here to help and suggest a few stuff you will be wanting and needing for your nursery.


Of course, this is the first thing that would come to mind, right? A safe sleeping space for your baby. You can pick a crib that will be surrounding soft cushions and round edges. This is to prevent or avoid any bumps or bruises from your growing infant. Choose a bed padding that is not too soft, but can just rightly support your baby’s body while sleeping.

Crib Mobile

Some would say that this won’t be necessary. But during the first few stages, infants will stay mostly on their backs and will enjoy this kind of view. It will serve for two reasons, one is to entertain your baby, and the other is for them to be kept calm. Besides seeing toys with lots of colors above them, most crib mobiles are musical. It’s both for the visual and auditory senses that will make your baby calm while inside their crib.

Rocking chair

Now, this is for you and your baby. Instead of carrying your child most of the time while standing up, you can relax, sit, and rock your baby to sleep. It is also ideal while breastfeeding your baby. But don’t rock it too much while breastfeeding, so not to cause a bit nausea to your baby while feeding.

Baby Jumpers

This product will be tons of fun for your baby, I’m sure. So this is a seat that is attached to an elastic strap that will make your baby bounce up and down. This is a very good activity for your baby while developing their leg muscles. And because this is an activity that will drain your baby’s energy, this will ensure a good night’s sleep for your baby. The moment that your baby can support his head without any help, then you’re good to go. But some baby jumpers have age, weight and height limit. So just choose a baby jumper that will match your baby’s specifications.

Play Pen

Now that your baby is getting more active, probably would spend more time crawling around, the crib won’t suffice anymore. So you will now have a broad space for your baby to have his playtime. Playpens are usually a not so small, not so big space, just enough for your baby to enjoy his toys. If you’re not comfortable with the flooring that you have, you can install rubber mats for your playpen, so as not to irritate or avoid blisters for your baby while crawling around. Of course, you can also play with your baby in the playpen. Have fun with them.

Baby Gate

This is to ensure your baby’s safety within your house. Some would call this baby proofing. Before buying a baby gate, you have to make sure the details and measurements of the one’s you will be baby proofing, like doors and stairs. You can purchase those pressure mounted baby gates. It’s the most common and most available in the market.

Changing Station

Of course, this is probably one of the most important parts of your nursery. Most of the time, for an active baby, changing is repeated as many as the times your baby feeds or sometimes even more. By having a changing station, all your changing and cleaning stuff is organized in one space makes it a lot easier in cleaning up your baby.

Now, these are only a few things that you would want to include in your nursery; this stuff will get you started.

Bio : My name is Stacy Belk. As a mom who only wants the best for her kids, I believe that all of the moms would want the same thing. We love our kids so much that we are willing to give up anything for them. For you mom’s out there, let’s enjoy every bit that we have with our kids, don’t hesitate to share your experiences and beautiful moments.