What Shall I Review?

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

I have a list of books that I am intending to write reviews of, the only thing is I don’t know where to start so I thought I would hand it over to my readers…

This one I’ve been thinking about a lot since I read it, so I want to actually get the review done. Also I’ve watched the film so I want to review the book before I ‘review’ the film (I was going to link to a trailer, but they are all too spoiler-y)

This one I thought I had reviewed, then found out I apparently hadn’t, so I feel it’s overdue, but I’m not sure I can write about it with the same vigor as I would have when I had just finished it.

I’ve done lots of posts about this one, but no one overall review. I don’t feel it’s urgent except that I really want people to read this.

I’m not sure if I have enough to say about this one, I may save it for a set of mini reviews…except by the time I have enough I might have forgotten what I wanted to say.

This was my last bookclub read and I’ve mentioned it a few times. I was ready to review it as soon as I finished, but I wanted to go to my bookclub first, and now it’s one I want to review, and have mentioned, by no necessarily top of my list

If you follow me on instagram you’ve probably noticed this one. Really good book, my latest read.

Are there any you’d like to see a review of?