What’s Your Routine? People Skills

By Shawnaschuh

Stewart sleeps in a crate at the bottom of the bed. He darts in after a treat each evening and if I’m behind or preoccupied – he waits for me in the bathroom expectantly. He likes his routine.

Elly sleeps in an extra large dog bed tucked into the corner of my home office and most days in the morning when me and Stewart pad down the stairs she’s sitting at the door waiting for us to go out. She likes her routine.

After we come in from outside, there’s another routine –

When I arrive at my desk to work – yet another routine – this one involves a treat –

The dogs I live with make it easy to remember the things I put into place –I believe I started it however now they love it, expect it and demand it.

Routines are like that – they begin for whatever reason and then they are set – until something shifts – like vacation – which throws us off the routines – or illness, or guests in the house, or kids out of school –

Now that summer is nearly over (it hurts to type that) now is a great time to think about your routines – do they support you? Are they ones that help you in your life or is it time to create new and better routines?

Before the weather shifts – think about your morning routine – how can you make it better for you and the life you say you want?

What about work? What routine can you create that will produce better results?

You are in charge of your day, your life, your results. Today – think about how to make your routines serve you better – and if you have a dog – they can be very helpful with keeping you on track – especially if a treat is involved!

You create your day by the way you think! Make it magnificent!

Blessings, Shawna


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