What's Up Wednesday -- November 20, 2013

By Bameskaur Pabla @bameslive

Just to remind everyone...What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme started by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk which lets bloggers to keep in touch with the rest of the world and lets them know what is going on. 
What I’m Reading: Reading materials required for the online courses I am taking (I miss fiction)

What I’m Writing:  Assorted essays (Trying to beat a deadline) What Else I’ve Been Up To: Stealing chocolates from a stash left by my brother while he was here on vacation (Dad is a sweets-aholic, see -- I hope there is such a word) What’s Inspiring Me Now:  An ALA or Action Learning Assignment for an online course in Inspirational Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence. All the notes from friends which I am required to collect (about short stories about how I was when I was at my best) and write an essay about is just so touching. So, what's up with you this Wednesday?