What’s on My Sewing Table: Polka Dot Brocade

By Mmadalynne @mmadalynne

Remember that top and short set that I was not happy with, even after my second attempt? Well, I’m onto numero tres and let me just say this, it’s either going to be a home run or a complete strike out.

I was in New York a couple of weeks ago, and despite the crowds, I made a trip to Mood Fabrics (shout out to Meg!). I blame the failure of the second attempt mostly to fabric choice – the red wool was too lightweight – so I had a thicker and more textural fabric in mind. Also, and I know I’ve talked about it a lot, but I’ve been concentrating a lot on constructing my wardrobe, and part of this includes sewing pieces that are my style and aesthetic. When I look back at the pieces I made last year, my favorites were made with fabrics that had texture, were vintage-esque, and a lot of the times, were home dec. My favorite was the yellow Japanese dress. So, with this is mind, I headed to the brocade section. I’m the type of shopper that has to fall in love with something in order to buy it, and when I know I hit gold, I know. When I spotted the white and yellow polka dot cotton/poly brocade pictured above, I knew that was the one. I sometimes go a little overboard with my patterns, so I sent Bekuh a quick text to confirm my love affair. “Yay or nay?” I asked? I was too excited about it, and I nixed waiting for her to respond, and bought 2 yards. Fifteen minutes later, she texted back and wrote, “Nay, I think you’ll look like an upholstered chair.” Dammit! “Oh well, I’ll give it a whirl, and if not, there’s always Photoshop,” is what I wrote back.

Again, this is going to be one crazy project.

The other fabrics are a blue and cream, antique chenilles brocade I won on Ebay and a purple and cream, silk pique. Those are for two projects after I complete the polka dot one, but are they a dream?