What’s Occurring Wednesday: November Favourites

By Ninegrandstudent

Can someone please explain to me how another month has gone by? The next time I write about my favorite it will be 2015. Which is scary. My life feels like it’s flashing by me at the moment. It seems only yesterday I was sixteen and shyly getting to know the geek in my maths/chemistry class. Suddenly I was crying on my doorstep when the same (slightly-less geeky) geek said “see you soon” as we headed off to universities in the opposite direction. And now I’m 21 (as of yesterday!), he’s approaching the same milestone birthday, and we’ve got our lives well planned out. I’m working full time as an actuary, with only one year of university left to go. I graduate in 2016. That’s 18 months away. Where’s the pause button?!

The main thing I’ve loved about November has been some much needed rest and relaxation. Since starting work in July I’ve had no days off. Today marks my third day off in a row (yes, there are technically in December, by my holiday started for me at 5pm on Friday!) and I’ve loved not having to dive out of bed with an alarm. I’ve loved having a decent breakfast – Sunday saw my boyfriend (aforementioned geek!) create me a stack of giant American pancakes, which I covered in honey, cinnamon and banana. I’ve loved not having to wear tights and a suit for most of the day. I’ve enjoyed not having to head outside if it’s raining. I’ve enjoyed spending time with my family, cuddling my dog, and seeing my boyfriend mid-week. Having the time to read my favorite blogs. Wearing PJs until lunch. Things that can often be taken for granted, but it’s been truly lovely. I’m looking forward to Christmas even more – yay for a whole week off!

Thanksgiving. Photo source here (love this site by the way!). I’m not American, I don’t celebrate this holiday, and the sudden influx of Black Friday on Britain annoyed the hell out of me. But I loved Thanksgiving this year. And hated it at the same time. Working for an American company, our stateside offices were closed for the latter part of last week, meaning more relaxed offices this side of the Atlantic. On the other hand, there was no one to help when I couldn’t access a vitally important piece of software.

As I’ve mentioned a couple of times, I’ve been trying to make the most of my weekends. One slightly wet November Saturday saw us head to The Art of The Brick exhibition. I’m not a hugely arty person. I love the Summer Exhibition at the RA, but that’s about it. I find looking at stuff quite boring, but this totally got my inner child excited. One thing is for sure, this definitely isn’t a children’s exhibition, and I saw quite a few disappointed families. What it is, however, is brilliant. Highly recommended.

I was lucky enough to grab a few hurried days in my favorite city last month too. Being invited to a (two day) assessment center sounds stressful, but involved a couple of hours free to wander the streets of Edinburgh, and indulging in a Nutty Professor. I am now desperate to head up there again over a Christmas period, the market was just being set up, the lights weren’t switched on, but even so I could tell it was going to be magical. Needing to go is not exaggerating here! I’m still constantly checking my emails regarding the job (who wouldn’t want to work in Edinburgh during the summer?!), but I should hear within the next week…

So, a good month. November can quite often be dull and dreary, but this year we’ve had more nicer days than not. I’m still not regularly wearing a thick coat, and I’ve only had one day where I’ve sat in wet shoes all day… How was your November?