What’s In A Name?

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about blog names and what they represent. For instance, My Girly Parts could represent something provocative and/or adult oriented; or something humorous about women in general. However, would you ever think you could find Blogging or Social Media tips on a blog named My Girly Parts?

I think not!

When I first began my blog, the intent was to be about hormones, relationships, and all things girly. However, the blog evolved into much more. I found out that I could share some pretty informative “dummy 101″ articles on blogging and social media tips. With these types of posts, I expanded my audience to include men! Imagine that!


Some men don’t visit often due to the “girly” content. This is where I regret what I named my blog. Who would have thought that my most popular posts would be those on blogging and social media? Not me, that’s for sure!

Now then…

Since I began my writing career, under pen name Jayme Rayne and now under my real name B. Lee, I’ve been thinking a lot about this blog and the future of it. Quite frankly, I’ve been incorporating some of my relationship type posts into a few short stories. I’m working on a short story about Girl Boners. This is a book on dating and all those Mr. Wrongs. Yes, it’s meant to be humorous. Another story was about Betrayal. Yet another was about being a Victim and finding love and trust afterwards, Victim No More. Then there are a few seductive shorts that I’ve published on my blog which could easily develop into stories.

What the hell am I saying?

What I’m trying to say is, I’m thinking about giving up My Girly Parts as a blog. I really want to focus on writing my short stories, which includes very short shorts being published on my website. As well as create a new blog which would be focused more on blogging tips and social media tips.

I already hear what you’re saying…

There are a gazillion blogs on blogging and social media. However, have you seen many that teach you with a humor? Most of the blogs I read are straight and to the point. I’ve heard from many bloggers that they still didn’t quite understand what the blogger was saying. How would you like tips that are blunt with very easy to understand tutorials?

I’m still brainstorming…

Yes, I’m still tossing the idea around but what I’m thinking long-term, is having a site that I can proudly share on LinkedIn, my own personal Facebook page, and not afraid to have my co-workers read it. I’m thinking more Easy 101 Tech Tips for “dummies”. :) No, I just didn’t call you dummies, but you get my drift. Easy peasy, right?

So what do you think?

Have I lost my mind or am I becoming more focused on a goal or two?

Have you ever wanted to just start over because you finally figured it all out?

Please share with me….