What's Happening in My Garden :: October

By Leavesandstems @leavesandstems
Let me introduce you to the newest resident of my garden.
Meet Poppins. An 8 month old mini lop crossed cashmere who was in desperate need of a new home!

Pumpkin was delighted to meet his new friend and after going on little day visit to my vet, they were ready to move in together! I made a new enclosure for them... with plenty of room to hop around and eat grass! It was love at first sight, they played, snuggled, shared carrots & cleaned one another, everything was fine! Until last week, when I discovered that Poppins is in fact pregnant... Long story short - it's not an 'instant' fix to prevent baby bunnies - enough said! As I write this, I am awaiting the birth of Pumpkin & Poppins first and LAST litter of "kits" (the term for Baby Buns) - I'll be sure to update once the little ones arrive!
Bunny Snuggles!
I started by weeding the monstrosity that had become my vegetable garden. I was surprised to find garlic & onion foliage up around my knees and cauliflower forming in the middle of huge foliage - obviously why I had been curled up inside they had been working hard! After getting rid of the weeds, I feed everything with some dynamic lifter. It'll soon be time to plant Tomatoes & some other succession summer vegetables
Blue cornflowers have grown completely out of control, spilling over the rock edging and onto the lawn - they have flowered throughout the whole of winter and now into the spring. Well worth the $3.00 punnet! Both of my lavender varieties have begun to flowers & the bees are busily collecting the pollen, I also have a blaze of hot pink azalea in full bloom, along with the prettiest shade of mauve.

I have multiples of this little plant in my garden, but I can never remember what it is called. I refer to it as the "pom pom plant" I just adore it and it spreads as a really gorgeous ground cover.

I have an abundance of seaside daisy in my garden. I just love how simple & effortless they are, yet provide flowers all year round. My Mum always laughs at me for planting them as she has so many in her garden she pulls them out! 
This is my next door neighbours fence. I am completely green with envy of their fence. White clematis, a stunning show of white flowers every spring, trailing down the old palings  As much as I appreciate the fact that I see this each time I walk out my back door - it's not enough for me. Hence my investment in the sweetest soft pink clematis!

As I write this, my Boronia has almost finished flowering - a scent that has been wafting in the air for the last month, my bearded iris are forming enormous buds and I am enjoying the last of my Arum Lilies and Green Goddess. My Hydrangea is lush with new green growth and in good time will also be forming buds of my favourite pom-pom style flower.