In a recent column in the local Ann Arbor newspaper, the owners of the breweries listed the many ways in which they are committed to advancing sustainability. For one, they are committed to using solar energy. ABC was Michigan’s first solar brewery and Corner Brewery, they explained in their article, is the largest craft brewery solar installation east of Colorado. In addition, the breweries boast energy-neutral, geothermal climate-controlled warehouses, high efficiency chillers, tankless water heaters, and new windows and faucets; the owners also work with their employees to make sure that they are conserving energy both at work and at home.
Of particular salience is the fact that the owners insist that the threat of climate change has allowed them to “innovate;” that is, to think of new, creative ways to address this serious issue while propelling their business forward. Innovation can lead to cheaper, better solutions. It’s what we want our businesses to do, push the envelope and to think of better products. The innovations coming out of breweries–and their potential to impact the economy, save energy and be more efficient–should not go unnoticed and are hopefully being replicated by other industries. I’d raise a cold IPA to that!