What’s Awesome on Audio

By Akklemm @AnakaliaKlemm

FOR KIDS… actually, for adults too!

Title: The Bippolo Seed

Author: Dr. Seuss

Read by: Neil Patrick Harris

Until I went browsing through the audio book section of our public library I had never heard of The Bippolo Seed.  I love Dr. Seuss, he’s pretty much always awesome… but the clincher for me picking up this edition to enjoy at home with the kiddo… why, Neil Patrick Harris of course!

Most child stars are annoyed by being referred to by the role that gave them their big name… I know Mark Wahlberg hates being called Marky-Mark and Maureen McCormack has made it quite clear that she is not Marcia Brady.  But seeing Neil Patrick Harris’ name on that Bippolo Seed box, all I could think (and I apologize to NPH in advance!) was: Doogie Howser reads Dr. Seuss! What could be better!?  Nothing, I tell you, nothing.

The fabulousness of Dr. Seuss combined with the sheer genius of Neil Patrick Harris is awesome.  I love stumbling upon these kinds of wonderful things, because I’m certain my child is as tired of hearing my reading voice as I am of reading sometimes.  I don’t feel so guilty passing the buck when I know someone as boisterous and Harris is taking the lead.

As for the “other lost stories,” there are a ton of talented stars featured on this audio book.   Angelica Huston was surprisingly wonderful.  Surprising not because she’s untalented or anything, just because I confuse her with Sarah Douglas and always imagine it was Huston, not Douglas, who played Ursa in Superman II (don’t ask me why)… and Ursa always appropriately gave me the creeps.

The point? Whether you’re a kid or a grown up, it’s never too late to hear The Bippolo Seed on audio.