What’s a One Sheet?

By Writerinterrupted @writerinterrupt

So you’ve worked on your pitch, gotten it down to a 30 second sound bite that will knock the socks of an editor. Now what if he/she wants to know more?

That’s when I pull out my One Sheet. I rarely have to do a lot of talking in my 15 minute interviews. I just let the One Sheet speak for itself. Then I shut up. (This is something I have not yet mastered!) Let the editor READ! Resist the Urge to Explain. You’ll have your turn when they start to fire off questions.

So what’s a One Sheet, you ask?

A One Sheet is a brief synopsis of your book which includes pertinent information like:

Title and tag line
Authors name: Big enough to stand out
Brief synopsis/Back Cover Copy and/or 25 word short pitch

Length, word count
Contact information: Address, Phone, email
Athor bio and photo

Can include one sentence summary of second/third book in series

What your One Sheet looks like is up to you. It should fit your personality and the mood of the book you’re pitching. But regardless of the style a One Sheet should:

Be professional and well written
Easy to read, not overcrowded
Have one to two complimenting graphics or photos

Come back Tuesday for a great tutorial from Erica Vetsch on creating a One Sheet!

Need extra help with your One Sheet? Ask about my One Sheet Shape Up!