In your kitchen, without even being aware of it, you have an object that acts as the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. The irony is that you use it every day, or even several times a day. It is totally innocuous that you would never even have suspected that it was such a nest of germs. However, a study has revealed chilling figures: the object in question can contain up to 54 billion bacteria in a single cubic centimeter! Quickly find out what it is.
What is the object in the house that contains the most bacteria?
You probably guessed it, it is indeed the dish sponge. The same one you use daily to wash your dishes, cutlery and utensils, or to clean the kitchen counter. How to suspect her of attracting so many germs, when she is constantly in contact with the detergent? Actually IThe kitchen sponge has several zones which are suitable both for bacteria which prefer an isolated environment and for germs which adapt to surfaces where other organisms already live. The bacteria end up multiplying massively in this airy and humid space where the remains of food are still encrusted, after washing the dishes.
A dish sponge – Source: spm
There is no doubt, the kitchen sponge is indeed the object whose environment is certainly the most favorable to the development of bacteria. And it’s even science that says so. Following a study carried out in 2017, published in the scientific journal “Scientific Reports”, German researchers looked into this cleaning accessory to try to quantify the presence of these microorganisms. Bottom Line: This little foam can hold up to 54 billion germs and bacteria in a single cubic centimeter. A frightening figure, especially when you know that a classic sponge has a volume of 300 cm3. Certainly, we suspected that this sponge was not hygienically flawless, given the context of dirt in which it evolves permanently. But who could have imagined that it contained such an exorbitant quantity of microbes?
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The problem is that by using it to wash dishes, many of these microorganisms can spread between different utensils, which significantly increases the risk of infection. Also to protect your health and that of other members of the household, it is imperative to properly disinfect your sponge and especially to replace it regularly.
White vinegar. Source: spm
How often should the dish sponge be changed?
During the study, the scientists detected the presence of 73 families of pathogenic bacteria including the popular Staphylococcus, Escherichia Coli and Salmonella. It is hardly encouraging to know that all these micro-organisms are continually crawling on our hands and utensils. Obviously, the first instinct to have: wash your hands immediately after using the dishwashing sponge. Before this wash, try to touch as few objects as possible so as not to contaminate other elements. Experts also recommend being careful and changing your sponge periodically. And this, even if you clean it often. Ideally, it should be replaced after one or two weeks. It all depends on his condition. If you feel that it is really worn out and has a disturbing smell, it is better to consider getting rid of it quickly.
Why does this object attract bacteria so much? Because of its structure itself: microbes greatly appreciate this versatile environment full of cavities, small tunnels, smooth surfaces and holes. Each family of bacteria finds its account there. But, even if they proliferate in a vertiginous way in this medium, it is possible to dislodge them quickly.
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According to researchers, there is a very effective way to destroy bacteria that accumulate in a kitchen sponge: simply clean it in the microwave. This device actually has the ability to eradicate almost 100% of bacteria. Before starting this process, be sure to wring the sponge well after each use. Then leave it in the microwave for at least a minute. But, check that it is still very damp, because a sponge that is too dry could catch fire.
Another trick: the use of white vinegar. This antibacterial is renowned for tracking down dirt and killing germs when cleaning various items around the home. It is therefore an ally of choice for disinfecting your kitchen sponges. As a bonus, it will also eliminate bad odors and traces of grease. How to apply it? Boil a cup of water and pour an equal part of white vinegar into it. Let the sponge soak in it for about 20 minutes. Then, squeeze it well to remove all the dirt and proceed to rinsing.
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