What Men Want (2019) Review

Posted on the 29 March 2019 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

A female sports agent is struggling to take the next step in her career, good job one night she hits her head and can hear all of men's thoughts! This gives her a very unique opportunity to improve her own life and relationships with men.

The plot in this film is nothing new at all, nineteen years ago we had the same thing happen but instead Mel Gibson could hear what women wanted. But in 2019 and following the MeToo movement from 2018 obviously we have a role flip. The thing is though I cannot decide if this was a good flip or not. Parts I thought were interesting but it didn't focus on that and took some strange turns in all honesty.

Ali Davis was raised by her boxing coach father and then became a successful sports agent, in a very male dominated world. The problem with this was that she seemed so desperate to be part of the boys club she actually hated. Why couldn't she just be a woman in that world? Anyway after a hen night gone wrong thinking it was the tea she drunk with the strange psychic, more likely being knocked out and that hit to the head. She could hear the thoughts of all men.

The thing the with the thoughts was that they really could have used this film to help men with issues. One of the thoughts I remember the most was one of them thinking he was fat and worthless. Not something you usually associate with a man, so it could have really pushed forward and been rather groundbreaking for mental health. But no it was used to try to get Ali that break forward. Again not really an issue with that, but the whole wedding scene and wrecking her cousin and other friends lives just seemed so unnecessary. Surely if you could hear the thoughts and knew the man she was going to marry was pretty horrendous you would have spoken out before the wedding had started?

Add in Will who did seem like a very nice guy, surely the way Ali went on with him he wouldn't have given her another chance? That felt just too forced, Ali was not nice to men and the awkward sex scenes were truly embarrassing to watch. The worst thing about how some of these made me feel were that it could have been a very good film.

Taraji P. Henson is a very impressive actress and that is the main reason I decided to give this film a watch. She does well to lead the film, but some of the material she has to work with is just well awful. I thought Tracy Morgan added nothing and his character was not good at all. I quite enjoyed the small role from Kellan Lutz which created a very amusing moment. Aldis Hodge was a standout though, I felt he was the best thing about the film. I guess I shouldn't have really been surprised with how this film went really as the romantic comedy genre hasn't been the best recently.