“What Maisie Knew” – Clip #2

Posted on the 03 April 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Some new scenes from Alexander Skarsgård’s new movie, “What Maisie Knew” – were released today on Upcoming-Movies.com.

WARNING: Beware of cuteness overload. Injuries may occur due to watching the clips – please take precautions and use caution while viewing.

Please note: We are NOT to be held responsible in case of injury – please blame the movie producers for hiring Alex in the first place instead. Thanks!

Unfortunately, (after many hours of trying) we weren’t able to get an embed player working. You’ll just have to click on the link below instead.


We do, however have a few gifs from the clip. Check ‘em out in the gallery below.

Image credits: askarsswedishmeatballs.tumblr.com and imhereforsookie.tumblr.com

Raise your hand (or comment below) if your ovaries DID explode? I know mine did!

Seriously, this film can’t be released soon enough. I think out of Alex’s movies…this one is the movie I’m MOST anxious to see.

Thoughts? Share ‘em below!