What Kind of Motorhome Tourist Are You?

Posted on the 07 August 2019 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

Each journey is different, and traveling is always filled with many surprises.  However, there are also different kinds of motorhome travelers. Do you plan your next motorhome trip, and you want to find out what kind of motorhome tourist you are? We have an answer. This might inspire you to explore some new ways of travel.

Are you on holiday or are you travelling? Are you planning your trip meticulously or are you rather spontaneous and let everything come to you? Do you get up at 7 in the morning to get a good spot on the beach or go on a discovery tour? There are different types of motorhome travellers: beach chillers, sports lovers or the true traveler. Which type are you? Find out.

The true traveller

The true traveler prefers to drift on their travels instead of making meticulous plans. You look at the real world, and you’re not always on the hunt for the next photo. Travelling with friends is fun, but even on your lonely motorhome travel, you would know people fast enough. If something goes wrong, you stay calm – you just can not plan everything. A journey does not automatically mean for you to fly to the end of the world. There is also much to discover nearby. You are a real traveler.

If you are a real traveler motorhome tourist, visiting Great Silk Road should perfectly suit your needs. Why? Because it can be engaging, Marco Polo themed destination. Also, if you are attracted by intense experiences and you like to change course at the toss of a dice, we strongly recommend you to visit Austria and the Czech Republic.

Beach chiller

Beach chillers love marine life, sand, sun, and ocean’s water. If you are one of them, you like when your journey is planned, and when the plan works. Regardless of the place, you only want to see the major sights. And if you go to the sea, you want to lie on the beach and relax with some delicious drink. Also, you are a lover of unspoilt nature, spas, and terms.

Thus, you should plan your motorhome journey somewhere near the coastline. Destinations like Spain, Portugal, or Croatia will be the perfect fit for you! Remember, that despite sunbathing, you should also leave some room for long walks filled with breaks to take selfies in the middle of the beautiful landscapes.

Indiana Jones

This type of tourist doesn’t exactly travel to relax and enjoy a sunrise at the lake. If you are Indiana Jones tourist, you will feel the most comfortable in different kinds of national parks, abandoned mountains and green valleys. Indiana Jones is never afraid to go on long trips, and their good physical form can handle even the most challenging obstacles. If you feel that this description matches you, take your motorhome on the ride to the Pyrenees, on the border between France and Spain. This destination offers stunning views and allows the motorhome tourists to stop and embark on walks or climbing trips. Also, visit Oaktree motorhomes to match a perfect vehicle for such an intense trip.

Sporty type

For a sports lover, who is also a motorhome traveller, the journey starts with a lot of planning. This title describes a person who is very dynamic and who loves all outdoor activities. If you are a sports fan type of a motorhome tourist, you certainly know how to make use of the abroad vacations. Surfing, cycling, skiing, paragliding – these are just some of your passions.

Which destinations would be perfect for you?

The Alps are one of the best destinations for tourists who love the outdoors. However, if you feel that you are more sea-lover than mountain freak, we recommend you to plan summer surf trip and enjoy catching the perfect wave. Whether you are alone, or with your family, the surf holidays can be perfectly blended with road-trips and other sports! Europe can offer many excellent destinations for surfers and their surfboards: Fuerteventura, Rodiles in Asturias, and Peniche in the Lisbon area. What are you waiting for? Polish your surfboard and put it into your motorhome right now!


Do you now know which type of motorhome tourist are you? The true traveller, Beach chiller, Indiana Jones, or a Sporty? Get onboard your motorhome and find out what your next trip will reveal about your personality!