What is Your Closet Personality Type? (Video)

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

Last week I posted a new video on my YouTube Channel about the five Closet Personality Types I’ve developed over the years of working with clients on their styles, wardrobe management, closets and image.  If you missed the video you can view it here.

I’ve written about the different Closet Personality Types on this blog before.  I’ve also written about clients who have dealt with one or more of these personality types.  For example, this is a perfect example of when the Sentimentalist Closet Personality Type gets way out of control.   I have also written about a particular client who has always suffered with being a bit of an Identifier. Her personality type isn’t as clearly defined, but it’s still a great story about how she learned to open up and become more vulnerable to life and, as a result, her it became more fulfilling.  In addition to these two posts there is a lot of posts on this blog that just speak to the psychological side of fashion that you can explore here.

Regardless of how deep you want to dig into this topic, take a few minutes to watch the video and see if you can identify with any of the  closet personality types.  Most people are more than one, like me, who is an Identifier–Devaluist.

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