What is Vertigo? How to Cure It Naturally?

Posted on the 11 August 2020 by Chandigarhayurved

Do you see things moving around you? If you feel nauseous again and again, you may be suffering from vertigo disease. Vertigo in common language is called dizziness. The disease may indicate various health problems related to the brain, ear lining, or sensory nerve pathways

What happens when there is a problem of vertigo

when the vertigo problem starts increasing, then when the person close his eyes, he feels the fall. In this, even a stable person feels as if he is moving. Due to this, he feels restless. The balancing process is controlled by the three systems of the body – the inner ear, eye and eye muscles and neck muscles with its labyrinthine canal. Inputs from these systems are processed in specific regions of the brain and the assumption of equilibrium is maintained when the input is synchronized. Whenever the brain (CPU) is unable to process information properly, it produces vertigo.

What Causes Vertigo causes?

Talking about the cause of vertigo, it is caused by a problem involving the vestibular system (the inner part of the ear, which controls the body’s balance). This is called Peripheral vertigo. In such a situation, the person has trouble in maintaining his / her balance

There may be the following reasons for peripheral vertigo:

  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo – BPPV: Small particles of calcium gather in the inner part of the ear, affecting the messages sent from the ear to the brain and causing problems in balance.
  • Head injury
  • Vestibular nerve inflammation
  • Swelling and inflammation of the inner ear
  • Meniere’s disease (disorder associated with the inner ear)
  • Pressure on the vestibular nerve

central vertigo. It is caused by a problem in the lower or posterior part of the brain (cerebellum). This may cause peripheral vertigo to differ somewhat, such as:

  • Blood disease
  • Some medicines, such as anticonvulsants, side effects of aspirin
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Tumor (cancerous or non-cancerous)
  • Migraine

Symptoms of vertigo

Head spinning and vertigo are common symptoms of vertigo. Apart from this, there are some symptoms from which you can detect vertigo

  • Inaudible
  • Tinnitus – whistling sound in one ear
  • Problem swallowing food
  • Blurry
  • motion sickness
  • Headache
  • Problems controlling eyes
  • Facial paralysis
  • Trouble speaking or stuttering
  • Feel tired
  • Nausea

Diet to eat

  • Take sufficient amount of liquids.
  • Whole grain breads and beans.
  • Use of low salt / sodium.
  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.

Avoid them

  • Sodium rich diet (meat, canned soup, frozen diet).
  • Red wine.
  • chicken liver.
  • Smoked meat.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Cheese and Nuts.
  • Fried items.

Yoga and exercise

Sit on a chair and keep a pillow near the ear in which there is more trouble in vertigo. Turn your head on the pillow and then move below the waist. If you want, close your eyes and relax until the symptoms subside. Return to the seated position, and if any symptoms have returned, then stop until it calms down or allow 30 seconds to pass. Repeat this exercise with the other ear.


  • Avasan
  • Pulse Treatment Pranayama
  • Growing Up Home remedies
  • Avoid head-stimulating postures such as bending below the waist, lying straight for a nap, or moving your head up and down.
  • At night you can sleep in your normal posture in bed and there is no need to lift your head in any special way.


 A) Peppermint oil for vertigo

Take 2-3 drops peppermint oil and A spoonful of almond oil. Mix both oils. Now apply it on your forehead and behind the neck.

How it works:

According to research, peppermint oil can relieve vertigo symptoms, such as headaches.

B) Ginger oil

Apply one to two drops of ginger oil on your neck, behind the ears and on the soles. Ginger oil provides relief from stress and vertigo. It also relieves the symptoms of vertigo such as vomiting and headache.

C) Grapefruit oil

Two to three drops of grapefruit oil

Diffuser. Put the grapefruit oil in the diffuser and place it in any corner of the room.

Its scent can work to calm the mind. In addition, it can work to relieve stress caused by vertigo. However, there is no concrete scientific evidence available on this. Before using grapefruit oil.

D) Basil and Cyprus oil

Two to three drops of basil oil. One to two drops Cyprus oil and  Diffuser. Combine both essential oils. Put the oil in the diffuser and keep it in the room. Tulsi is an Ayurvedic herb, which has analgesic and antidepressant properties. It can help relieve vertigo symptoms such as headaches.

F) frankincense oil for vertigo

Four to five drops frankincense oil. Take a few drops of frankincense oil and massage the shoulders. Frankincense is rich in anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can also have positive effects on vertigo.

G) Cleary Sage Oil for Vertigo

Two to three drops of grapefruit oil. Put the grapefruit oil in the diffuser and place it in any corner of the room. Its scent can work to calm the mind. In addition, it can work to relieve stress caused by vertigo.

Acupuncture for Vertigo

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment. It is recommended by Western physicians to treat vertigo. It relieves symptoms of head spinning such as headaches and fatigue etc. and improves blood flow (18). The acupuncture points described below may reduce your head spin.

It is also called GV20. This point is located on the upper center of the head, which you can see properly through the picture. It relieves vertigo, headache and stroke and is beneficial in the treatment of vertigo

The GB 20 point is located just below your hairline and on both sides of the spine. This point can be clearly seen in the picture. It is very helpful in relieving diseases related to head, brain and sense organs. This is the essential acupuncture point for headaches

Exercises for vertigo

Standing upright – Also known as Romberg exercises. To do this, you should stand back on the wall and keep a chair in front of you. Your hands should be straight downwards. In this state, you should stand for about 30 seconds and do it about 5 times. When you get used to it, do this exercise with your eyes closed.

Walking in front and back – Like standing upright, stand straight with the wall in it. Open your legs equal to shoulder width and keep your hands in the armpit. Now, moving your body back and forth, in turn brought the weight of the whole body first from the ankles to the feet and then from the feet to the ankles. During this your hips should remain straight. Repeat this for about 20 times.

Bending from left to right – Again bend from left to right and then from right to left without moving your feet off the floor again. Repeat this 20 times.

You can do these exercises twice a day. At the same time, when vertigo attacks, you can do the exercises given below.

The Brandt-Daroff Exercise – This practice is done to get quick relief from the symptoms of vertigo. To do this –

  • First of all sit on the bed or on the side of the couch.
  • Now start bending to the left and lie down for two-three seconds.
  • While doing this, your head should be raised upwards at a 45 degree angle.
  • After this, come back to normal and sit for 30 seconds.
  • Then start bending in the right way and lie down for two-three seconds.
  • Once again come back to normal and sit for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat this process five times at a time.

For the treatment of vertigo, take care not to stand up suddenly after sitting or lying down for too long. Do not do any work that will affect your eyes. Get complete sleep, eat a balanced diet and exercise daily. Keeping these things in mind can reduce your head spin. Also keep in mind that do not do any exercise alone for vertigo.

Ayurvedic treatment by CAC

1. Detox Premium Powder

These herbal sachets are prepared from ingredients such as Shankh bhasma, Sutshekhar ras, Parvalpishti, Shukta, Giloy, Kamdudha ras, Shvetparpati that gives calming effect on the stomach.

  • Shankh bhasma: This ayurvedic bhasma is prepared from conch shell. The bhasma shows antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antacid, digestive stimulant properties. The problems like indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, etc are easily treated with it.
  • Sutshekhar ras: It is an ayurvedic preparation that maintains pitta dosha in the body. This ras provides effective results in abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, fever, headache, epigastric tenderness, etc.
  • Parval pishti: This pishti is prepared from coral calcium processed in rose water. It provides effective results in acidity, burning sensation, headache, etc.
  • Shukta pishti: This pishti balances the pitta dosha in the body and removes all toxins from the body.
  • Giloy satv: Giloy satv possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, carminative, immunomodulator, etc properties. It eliminates the ama from body hence provide good results in acidity problem.
  • Kamdudha ras: This ras reduces heat, burning sensation, epigastrium tenderness, irritability, heartburn, and acidity.
  • Shwet parpati: It is also effective in acidity.

Recommended Dosage: Take one sachet twice daily.

2.Sheet Dhara Syrup

This herbal syrup is prepared from ingredients such as ajwain satav, mushak kapoor, peppermint, etc that naturally relieve the symptoms like bloating, blenching, nausea, vomiting, feeling of discomfort, etc. The regular use of this herbal syrup neutralizes the high acid content, reduces
abdominal pain, & cramps.

Recommended dosage: Take half teaspoonful of this syrup in half a cup of water. Drink this mixture twice daily on an empty stomach.

3.Immuno Booster Tablet:

It is a pure herbal combination that helps to build up immunity. it consists of effective levels of antioxidants. vitamin C and E circulate in the body to protect it against the damage caused by free radicals. it has natural immunity-boosting properties to prevent and ease cough, cold, headache, and infections. it provides quick relief from early signs of running nose, itching throat, body ache, and weakness.

Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily.

4. Triphala Syrup:

Triphala syrup is a pure herbal formula that contains ingredients such as Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), & Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica). These ingredients in combination show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, & immuno-modulator properties. It is beneficial for dealing with the signs & symptoms related to azoospermia patients.

Recommended dosage: Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily.

5. Nerve Plus tablet:

These tablets shows Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, and immune- modulator properties. It contains herbal ingredients Ghritkumari (Aloe barbadensis), Kali mirch (Piper nigrum), Giloy satav (Tinospora crdifolia), shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, shudha vatsnabh, shudh singraf. It is beneficial for erectile dysfunction, diseases of stomach, stimulating nerves and appetite, promotes the level of testosterone naturally.

Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily.