Trekking is a form of walking, undertaken with the specific purpose of exploring and enjoying the scenery. It usually takes place on trails in areas of relatively unspoiled wilderness.” The great mountain ranges are some of the most beautiful and interesting areas of the world to visit.
As they are often not served by roads, they can also be the most remote and difficult places to get to and the only real way to see them is on foot. For some people the trekking may be an end in itself, for others it is a means to enjoy the magnificent panoramas and often the peoples of the mountains with their culture, traditions and religions provide an equal interest to the scenery. We’ve often heard the terms hiking and trekking used interchangeably. We all know they’re both outdoor recreational activities. But are they really the same? Hiking is an outdoor activity of walking in beautiful natural environments on pre-charted paths called hiking trails. There are day hikes and overnight hikes. Trekking is a long journey be undertaken on foot in areas where there are usually no means of transport available. Trekking is not necessarily mountaineering; it is walking for a number of days, usually on uncharted paths, in challenging environments which are likely to be hilly or mountainous.
* Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs/ animals/ yoga/ places are provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. all image credit goes to their Photographers.