What is the World Literary Cafe up To? Homepage Featured Author Sponsorships!

By Lizmckeown1955 @WritersBoost
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This advertising spot is front and center on the World Literary Cafe homepage. They feature six books per day, and the feature runs for 23 hours. This promotion will be promoted through three WLC accounts through Twitter, specifically  mentioning your book title in at least two tweets from each account over the 23 hour period, as well as two tweets through the WLC IndieKindle program. THERE'S MORE! They will also post your book's link on the WLC Facebook page and the IndieKindle Facebook page! As with all of their promotions, they drive heavy traffic to their homepage, allowing your book tremendous exposure.EROTICA titles are not accepted for either the Standard or the Value Added Option. Please see the WLC  Erotica Book Promotions to promote your erotica titles.For details, click here: http://www.worldliterarycafe.com/content/homepage-featured-author-sponsorships