What Is the Non-European Element Among Mediterranean Caucasoids?

Posted on the 02 July 2015 by Calvinthedog

Sam writes:

I think most Meds are White but some don’t seem to be. What are the admixtures of the ones that aren’t White?

All European Mediterranean Caucasoids are White. That means 100% of them. The % of non-White Meds is effectively zero.

Some of them have some African in them, but some say it is North African Caucasoid. The most frequent mix is North African Caucasoid from 42,000 YBP way back to the very birth of the Caucasoid race. This race was birthed around the Horn of Africa, Arabia and the Red Sea. I do not know who their ancestors are nowadays, but they may be the Caucasoid element in Horners like Ethiopids.

There is also a Berberid element, especially in Iberia. It is most prominent way up in the north of Spain in Cantabria, where it can represent up to 41% of the genome.

Where there is any Sub Saharan Black DNA among Meds is quite controversial.