What Is The Difference Between Sales And Marketing

Posted on the 09 November 2019 by Rajesh Deepak
It is a very simple difference between sales and marketing. The Industrial Revolution generated specialized activities in the area of business and the production no longer remained the twin action of marketing.

What Is The Difference Between Sales And Marketing

We should know about the difference and definition of Sales and Marketing. The number of peoples does not know about this.

Difference Between Sales And Marketing

1. Objectives Of Sales Management - This management is solely concerned with the direction and control of the sales force. Sales management refers to the management of sales personnel.
It covers advertising, distribution, pricing and product designing. All elements of marketing management. This definition can not be changed, this is the universal truth
So, you will get it in every book and documents.
An American Marketing Association has set the definition of Sales that it is the well-defined management of planning, direction, and control of personal selling.
Every company prepares his own sales force to sell the product and they equipped sales personal with all marketing tools by proper tanning, equipment, motivating and paying.
This is called sales force management. They know about the marketing selling activity by training and get success. Management has a number of responsibilities.
 Provide proper guidance and controlling the SalesForce is one of the important activities of Management.
Sales management is basically related to the company sales management department. This is a very important organizational unit for the growth of the company and creates finance through sales skilled.
An appropriate distribution network communication effectively with other departments and planned well for the execution of strategy.
2. Marketing Management - This management is totally different from Sales Management. By these business activities, ownership of products is transferred from producer to consumer.
There may be some problem in marketing but you have been carefully analyzed, described and interpreted, so that producers and consumers alike may be benefited to the maximum time or extent.
In this management, the producer wants to book the maximum profit and consumers want to pay the lowest price. That pressure minimizes the cost of production. Marketing is different from Sales but it is a part of sales and function importantly.
Marketing Management work several activities of marketing, like - Pricing, Promotion, Physical distribution, product and sales personnel management
Sales management is basically concerned with SPM (sales personnel management). Do you know that the Sales Manager of a company is a subordinate of the marketing manager?
He can advise the marketing manager in the areas of sales force management in particular and on the other marketing functions.
The new concept of sales management revolves around the development of human resources.
These are the point that differentiates Sales and Marketing Management
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