What is the Difference Between Free and Paid Assignment Help?

Posted on the 23 March 2021 by Tim Harry @assignment_shop

 There are websites claiming that they offer free assignment help service but most of those websites ask for a fee at the end or demand a donation t run the website. A paid Assignment Help service runs a proper company and maintains professionalism at all fronts. There is no cheating or fraudulent actions when you take help from a paid assignment help service. It is up to the student to free and figure it out. A free assignment help service can be tempting but most of these websites are a scam and can even inject viruses on your device. 

What is the difference between free and paid assignment help?

Customer support

Most free websites don't even have a customer support department. When there is no customer support department it becomes hard for the website to collect assignment requests and move forward with the assignment details. Paid assignment help services have 24/7 customer support available and they get in touch with the students as soon as they send a copy of the assignment. Paid assignment help sites stay in touch with the students and send them updates about the progress that is made on the assignment. Free assignment help service might lack all these services. 

  • Quality of service

Paid assignment help websites employ professionals and experts from different fields. The advantage of having many of these experts is that they can help students in times of emergency there is no delay in submission of the assignments too. These experts are completely professional and well qualified. Most of them have experience in publishing papers and are highly knowledgeable as they completed their Ph.D. 

Free assignment help sites may have professionals too but they lack the required workforce and if many students apply for assignment help at the same time the website cannot offer their services to all of them. 

Quality of content

The paid assignment help experts do all the required research to provide the customer with the best possible answer. The information is not directly copied from the internet too. These experts write every single line own their own and make sure there is 0% plagiarism.

Free assignment help sites might or might not employ professionals and when a student applies for assignment help the employees can just copy the information from the internet and paste in the assignment. This is plagiarism and plagiarism is a sin in assignments and the student can lose a lot of marks or the assignment can get discarded because of this. 

Customer satisfaction

The free assignment help sites can take a lot of time to complete the assignments and the student might get a sloppy assignment and they have to wait for a long time to get their hands on the completed assignment. Students have to make some additional changes to these assignments again and in most cases, the student is not satisfied with the work done by free Online Assignment Help websites. 

The paid assignment help sites make a promise and deliver quality content and deliver the assignment on time. Since the students pay for the assignments they can demand modification and further changes if something doesn't feel right.

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