What is the Blue Part of the Eraser For?

Posted on the 15 January 2023 by L'Express

We all remember the many school supplies we had during our childhood. In our pencil case, there was notably the eraser which was very useful in mathematics, drawing or biology lessons. This eraser is made up of two parts, red (the most used) and blue, of which no one really knows the purpose. But did you know why the two ends are different in texture and color?

Find out what this little-known function of the blue end of the eraser is

An eraser – Source: spm

What is the blue side of an eraser for?

The two-tone Duo-Gom eraser is made by the French company Maped and has been present in school pencil cases for years. The pink end is used to erase drawings and words drawn in pencil, however, the blue part is often misunderstood. Many believe it helps erase ink, but that idea is wrong. According to our colleagues from CNews, the blue end is designed for use on harder surfaces than regular paper, such as cardboard, upholstery or walls. In other words, it is useful for erasing pencil lines on hard materials.

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Why does the eraser erase the pencil?

You have created a beautiful text or drawing using a pencil, but unfortunately there is an error, a word or a line too many. Fortunately, an eraser can solve this problem. But how does it work exactly?

The eraser, made from rubber, is able to remove the carbon particles deposited on the paper by the pencil. By using the eraser, the graphite particles are torn from the paper and stick to the eraser, forming black peels. However, it is important not to erase too much to avoid damaging the paper.

Why is this blue and pink eraser still sold?

The two-color eraser is often used mainly for the pink part, which is used to erase drawings and words drawn in pencil. The blue part is used less because it is designed for use on harder surfaces like cardboard, upholstery or walls. However, why does the Maped brand continue to market this dual-use eraser? According to the brand, this is for marketing reasons, as parents buy this eraser in priority because of its symbolic status as an object associated with school and a memory of their childhood.

Pencil on the wall – Source: spm

The reactions of Internet users following this discovery

People were very surprised when they learned what the blue part of the eraser was for. Here are the reactions of some of them on this subject:

“I always thought that the blue part prevented the eraser from finishing completely and made it possible to cling to it firmly”

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Another user said, “I thought the pink side was for erasing the pencil marks, and the blue was for erasing the eraser marks left by the red part. »

“I knew that the blue part was used to erase ink, but that it could also damage paper,” said another Internet user who was surprised by the reactions of those who only now discovered this detail.

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