What is Pound of Flesh Really About?

By Newguy

Jean Claude Van Damme’s Pound of Flesh is the next for the fun review.

Yes the Brussels From Muscles is still making action films.

Daytime Hotel karaoke.

Jean-Claude Van Damme realizes he has gone too far with his Coorz adverts.

Makes me think this will be The Hangover 4, I am scared.

Jean-Claude is naked for way to long, I don’t want to have the screen to have his ass on it.

Amnesia wears off in record time.

Wait you were dumb enough to take an organ from the Muscles from Brussels who also has a gun and think nothing will happen to you?

Van Damme bring a new meaning to the world Bible Basher.

Should he really be doing all this fighting after receiving surgery hours before?

I was just starting to like that Nardo character.

I do like that Deacon isn’t afraid to hurt a villainous woman, too many action films won’t let the action hero hit a woman.


Van Damme has no clothes on again, this is old man Magic Mike.

Trademark splits.

Tight car chase for brother bounding time.

British villain cliché.

Hero gets framed for a police murder.

Group of four have to figure out a plan to go up against an army.

Most connection character dies, ruining first plan, lets wing it.

Blowing the element of surprise with explosions.

Storm trooper shooting again.

SHE doesn’t listen to the instructions given to her.

Musical decoy.

Punch him in the kidney if you want to beat him.

Haha I out smarted you and killed you taunt.



Self sacrifice.

We will always remember him.