What is Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) Really About?

By Newguy

Kingsmans is up for this review now so remember this is spoiler heavy.

Kingsmans get the entire plot of Men In Black III down in two scenes, with older character protecting child of fallen brother.

Present day we meet slick agent that takes out all henchman to save Luke Skywalker.

Said agent gets killed by Samuel L Jackson doing his King’s Speech impression and his deadly assassin with blade legs, original idea for once.

Secret club has secret meeting to select new secret agent with secret glasses and special drinks around the round table.

Colin Firth has had enough of all these romantic comedies and decided to go all Liam Neeson on us by being an older action star.

Time to meet typical generic London young adult who has little chance of future with clichés including talking like Bruv, getting into trouble with the law and a Millwall scarf.

The young character gets in trouble leading to Kingsman come to rescue and offer him a test or he will erase his memory, wait this sounds familiar.

Eggsy takes test and looks completely out of place next to the highly educated characters also up for the tests.

Tests ideas seems like complete couple of Men in Black, well these guys do where suits too.

Mark Hamill’s head explodes isn’t this just what happens to his Joker in Batman Arkham Asylum?

Villain happens to millionaire that is celebrated in the celebrity world.

Jackson & Firth meet swapping comments which would normally be from the other person.

Eggsy completes tests in alternative style proving that he really is just Agent J.

Coolest scene in a church in film history with so many kills showing the Colin Firth is letting out all the rage after making the Accidental Husband, Mamma Mia, Before I Go To Sleep and The Devil’s Knot.

Is this the first time Colin Firth has died on camera?

Leader of secret service has been turned cliché but newest member has worked it out.

Super villain has secret base with endless henchmen who have also been to Storm Trooper school of shooting.

Newest Kingsman takes out villain and deadly henchman that hasn’t been remotely challenged so far in the film.

Leading character switches off secret equipment to have a night with the girl James Bond style.

Eggsy is now fully trained ready for the sequel.