What Is In My Weekend Travel Bag

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Thank you Renew Life® Digest Smart Enzymes for sponsoring this post.
This summer has been all about weekend getaways. Luckily the weather over the weekends has been warm and sunny which is ideal for exploring and activities. However, what comes before these frequent weekend getaways is frequent packing and planning. If you have been around for a while you know my love for both - packing AND planning. In today’s post I am sharing with you - what is in my weekend travel bag.
Travel-size sunscreen, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. I always have this stocked at home. If I run out of something on a trip, I refill it as soon as I am back home to avoid last minute errand runs.


Of course this changes with season but right now I am all about maxi dresses, flat slip-ons, swimsuits and hats.

As a blogger and social media influencer I rarely ever travel without my laptop and camera. Along with them comes cords, batteries, and such.
First Aid Kit
I always carry a small first aid kit which has band-aids, cotton swabs, a few pain killers etc.

Books are my constant companions. While I have embraced audiobooks for road trips, I still prefer a physical book when it comes to ‘reading’.

Vitamins and Medicines

I try and not let being on-the-go affect my daily habits of taking vitamins and supplements for skin, hair, and health. One other thing I carry with me is Renew Life® Digest Smart Enzymes. Traveling means often eating too much processed food which leaves me feeling uncomfortable. Occasional bloating and indigestion are definitely not good travel companions.
Renew Life® Digest Smart Enzymes contain 25 plant-based, raw enzymes which help provide powerful digestive support when you need it most. They are available at health food stores, grocery, and drugstores. You can learn more about Digest Smart Enzymes and the full line of Renew Life® supplements here.

Thank you Renew Life Digest Smart Enzymes for sponsoring this post. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.