What is Happening at Monkey Do Project?

By Librarygirl @LibraryGirlRead

Monkey Do Project is one of my favorite non-profit organizations. I know the founder and members of the board and see how dedicated they are to helping the people of Appalachia. They give back because they feel strongly drawn to do so and they truly care about the people they are helping. At any given time Monkey Do Project has several different projects going to meet the needs of people in different parts of Appalachia. Here are the current needs:
Summer Starvation/Filling the Food Banks - Did you know that 6 out of 7 kids who rely on the school lunch program during the year do not have access to regular meals during the summer? Food banks and other food programs are important all year long but children need them even more in the summer time. Monkey Do Project has pledged to fill a food bank in Clay, WV, provides food for a weekend backpack program, and has pledged to feed kids this summer.
Daniel's Drawings - Daniel recently turned five but when he was four he was challenged to do something to raise money to help others. Daniel is a self-proclaimed "kid artist" and he is raising money with his "artings" (drawings) and giving it to Monkey Do Project.
Ella's Night-Night Do Project - Ella is an amazing six year old with a huge heart for giving and helping others. When she was four, she had a small blanket that she called her night-night. Ella decided that other kids needed the comfort of night-nights too so she created her own Monkey Do Project to give them away.
Backpacks for Ohio - Last year I helped fill 2,000 backpacks at Monkey Do Project headquarters. We gave each child a book, nutritious snack, and some school supplies. Monkey Do Project has pledged to bring backpacks to the summer health fair again this year.
None of these projects can happen without financial support from individual donors. The needs in Appalachia are high as it is the poorest region in the United States. Please visit Monkey Do Project to find out more about the needs in Appalachia and how you can help.
Donate today to support these projects!