What is Funny About This?

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

Here are some suggestions to inspire your form Liz Mearns. Please make sure you follow Liz on twitter @liz_mearns.

  1. Ask yourself “what is funny about about this?”  Laughter is great for the soul and it helps us to look at a problem from a completely different perspective
  2. Be aware of your state – check in with how you are feeling emotionally…  Where do you feel it? What might be causing you to feel this way? What needs to change?
  3. Try flipping it – that is, viewing something the opposite way.  You have a choice in the way you react to things, no-one can take that choice away from you
  4. What are you happy and or grateful for?  Do a mini checklist of 5 things in your head, this can be anything, no matter how small
  5. Take 5 mins away from the computer and breathe… I mean properly breathe, slow, steady cleansing breaths that fill your lungs to capacity. Take your time, enjoy it and remember breathing is the best stress reliever and best of all it’s free!
If you would like to suggest five things to do today then please e-mail David at 5thingstodotoday@gmail.com. It would be great to publish them.David