What Is Edge Computing? Everything You Need to Know

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

The world is gradually moving towards the next decade of high-end technology . Like most other predictions that the experts do, this new world is definitely going to be one with lots of technological advancements.

It can't be denied that as time has passed, technological innovations have outshone themselves by helping in creating a world that has abundance of easy services.

The biggest possible asset for a person and an enterprise is undoubtedly data. The shift to the Cloud has altered the dynamics of data processing and the way devices that work through the internet function. In other words, Cloud has realized the dream of on-demand computational power that function on data centers.

Cloud computing has revolutionized the world of technology and it has helped in reaching out to maximum services. Nevertheless, there is still a scope for improvement of functioning and there is a new wave of computing known as the 'Edge' which has come into existence.

While Edge computing is complementary to the cloud, it is not a competitor of cloud. Let's take a detailed look into what edge computing is.

Edge Computing - What is it?

We all know that the main goal of technology is to make lives of people easier. But the ultimate motto of edge computing is to make computing even faster. As it is computing is extremely fast; then how does edge computing manage to achieve this objective?

Edge computing aggregates the cloud with the help of its ability to analyze data and process it faster from the source where the data is generated. It also accelerates the speed of delivering data to the requested origin.

Literally, the word 'edge' means the edge of a network and this is decentralized. Due to its extremely close proximity, data travels between the cloud and the user and vice versa in no time.

Just as there are data centers in place with respect to Cloud, the Edge has several micro-data centers that enhance the connectivity. This is particularly beneficial in the different geographical locations where cloud isn't much effective.

Edge Computing - How does it work and how is it used?

Edge computing takes data from a centralized network and decentralizes data and pushes it to distributed networks of the server that lie at close proximity with the place from where the data is generated.

Anybody who uses internet services can gain easy access to edge computing. The geographical placement of edge makes it beneficial for companies that don't want their private data to reach out to far-off servers.

How and where do the enterprises leverage their services and applications? Well, there are mainly 3 places where companies usually deploy these applications. They are.

  1. Data centers that host several servers and important resources.
  2. Providers of cloud services.
  3. Managed buildings where cooling and connectivity are services.

As long as cloud service providers are concerned, this is where the infrastructure is virtual and services are offered on the basis of use.

This becomes included as operational cost and not as capital expenditure. Very soon edge computing will also be included within this section as they will develop micro-data centers that diminish the time taken for data to travel from server to client and vice versa.

Sectors where Edge Computing is used for maximizing growth

Let's understand the use of edge computing by seeing how it is used in different sectors.

Autonomous Vehicle Industry

This is probably the most potential sector where edge computing plays the most effective role. We are aware that an autonomous vehicle works without interference of humans and it works on data transmission.

The sensors of this autonomous vehicle take 100 milliseconds to communicate with data centers. This is quite a long time in the event of the car meeting an accident.

Hence edge computing would give these autonomous vehicles a chance to use 5G technology that promises closer and better connectivity while driving. Artificial Intelligence is also a wise option that takes intelligent and smart decisions on road safety and traffic flow.

Gaming Industry

It is only a gaming addict who will understand the importance of edge computing for gaming apps. The ultimate selling point for virtual games is the possibility for users playing in real time with users from all over the world on the same gaming platform.

Edge computing is undoubtedly the best for locations that still don't have fast connectivity. With the help of edge computing, gamers can experience the real spirit of the game.

Businesses and Enterprises

Businesses are always on the lookout for updating their technologies and tapping the latest market potential to upgrade and improve their performances. One of the biggest aspects that the businesses can monetize on while leveraging Edge is better data security of consumers.

As the data travels from the cloud, there are heightened chances of breaches. With Edge, data stays close to where it is being generated from.

Edge computing also boosts the performance of IoT services as it can multiple their speed. Thanks to edge computing, when your customers can experience real time services, it will ultimately enhance your brand image and goodwill.

Reasons why Edge Computing is a necessity

  1. Latency: Imagine a hospital that uses automation services in an OT. Device A needs to communicate with Device B that lies in another part of the world. What could happen in case of delayed response? This is why edge computing is needed to help the machines reach their ultimate potential.
  2. Security: As data is stored in micro data centers of Edge, there are reduced chances of breach of data or non-operational data. This is vital for industries like windmills, solar farms and hydro power plants.
  3. Bandwidth: Besides faster data responses, edge computing saves on bandwidth. Majority of the sectors these days are highly dependent on IoT. A place that needs high security must be having multiple security cameras. Now imagine using a camera that filters data and stores it on edge without the necessity to return to cloud each time.

In a nutshell, edge computing is a treat for all sectors of the world. It will open up new opportunities for markets by 5G technology and with new revenue channels.