What is Chappie (2015) Really About?

By Newguy

Chappie is from the director is District 9 and this is just for fun and spoiler heavy.

Knowing this is a sci-fi film from Neill Blomkamp we know we will get his trademark start Sharlto Copley as one of the stars.

Robot police force, well I am starting to think this is a more technological Robocop.

Robots are made in manufacturing line similar to I, Robot

South African drug lord who speaks fluent English gets subtitles.

We have an American, Australian and an Indian working around a group of South Africans, this feels like they only see the intelligent countries having to come into the country to save the crime problem.

Hugh Jackman is playing tough guy gun expert who isn’t getting everything his own way, wait does that make him a villain?

Dev Patel is wearing glasses to show he is smarter than the rest of the office, because brains.

Sigourney Weaver in a sci-fi film cliché even if she is kicking alien butt.

Random band become main characters even though I wouldn’t be able to pronounce or spell their names, but look like they are getting ready for a My Chemical Romance video.

Deon is the lead engineer but only seems to drive the company van even though he doesn’t need a van to go to and from work.

Mentor teaches infant state robot as Chappie ends up getting stuck between good and bad.

Hugh Jackman ends up giving one of the most shocking torture scenes to a robot that you actually feel on camera.

Couldn’t find the real picture but Jackman’s look sums up my frustration.

Chappie ignore all of the laws of robotics which we are used to seeing but still gets stuck in the middle of the ideas about morale questions.

Wolverine kills all the robots proving that he could in fact make the next John Connor.

Vincent’s robot just so happens to have also come from Robocop being a spitting image of the ed-209.

Some how we have ended up in a revenge movie with a robot being the one out for revenge, I can’t help but praise this for originality.

Hugh Jackman relives the end the good Wolverine by having his ass handed to him by a robot.

Chappie ends up juts becoming robots before Transcendence but we all hated that one this feels happy at the end.