What is Aarogya Setu App and How to Download & Use It?

Posted on the 11 April 2020 by Jyoti Arora @Jy0tiAr0ra

Aarogya Setu is a tracking application launched by the Government of India. It has been designed to help in India's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

What are the features of the Aarogya Setu app?

Aarogya Setu app helps in tracking the spread of COVID-19 infection. To use this app, you need to keep your phone's GPS and Bluetooth on. The app uses the GPS to check your location and find out if you are in or near an infected area as per the database. The Bluetooth helps in determining whether you have been within six feet from an infected person. The app stays on all the time with a permanent presence in the notification panel. And it can alert you if you have been near any COVID-19 infected person.

Aarogya Setu app also has a self-assessment test that can help you judge your risk of being affected by the COVID-19 infection. And it might soon be used to generate ePass to help people travel during the lockdown.

How to download and use the Aarogya Setu app?

Using the Aarogya Setu app is very easy. It is available for Android and iOS devices. You can search for the app on the app stores or find the links from https://www.mygov.in/aarogya-setu-app/. There's also a QR code on this website that you can scan to download the app.

Once you have downloaded the app, setting up is easy. It is available in English and several Indian languages (11 languages in total). Select the language of your choice. You can change the language anytime you want. Once you have set the language, the app will ask you to add some personal details. But don't worry, all this data is encrypted and stored securely.

As per the privacy policy of the app, the Government of India will use this data "in anonymised, aggregated datasets for the purpose of generating reports, heat maps, and other statistical visualisations for the purpose of the management of COVID-19 in the country." It is likely that besides tracking the spread of coronavirus, this data will also help the government in formulation health and financial strategies and policies during and after the pandemic.

Once you have answered all the questions, you can take the self-assessment test to judge your risk of coronavirus infection. You will need to keep your phone's GPS and Bluetooth on for this app to work.

The Home Screen of the app shows tips for staying safe from Coronavirus. You can also change your preferred language and test yourself again from here. But besides these features, the app has no other feature as of now.

What data does this app collect?

You need to register the Aarogya Setu app using your phone number. Your number will be confirmed via an OTP. Then you need to input your full name, gender, age, profession (to judge your risk in case you are a frontline worker or engaged in essential services). The app also asks whether you have done any international travel in the last 30 days. In addition, the app asks whether you are ready to volunteer in the time of need. You can choose Yes or No to answer this question. Finally, it asks whether or not you are feeling well and suggests you take 20 seconds self-assessment test.

The self-assessment test is easy. It just asks you health-related questions and whether you have been near anyone affected by COVID-19. Once you submit your answers, the app shows you your level of risk. As per the test, besides showing you your level of infection risk, the test information might be used for monitoring and management of the ongoing health crisis and research.

Do you need to download Aarogya Setu app?

It is not mandatory to download the Aarogya Setu app. But the Government of India wants this app to be download by as many Indians as possible. It will help in tracking and controlling the spread of COVID-19 infection. If you want to join the fight against the pandemic, the Aarogya Setu app can be useful. Your data in it is encrypted and can't be used by anyone other than government and government agencies. It will alert you if you have been near an infected person. If you want to volunteer, it can show you where you can help. And soon, it might even provide an ePass to facilitate necessary travel during the lockdown.

However, there's a lot that this app could do but doesn't. For example, it could have provided the area's COVID-19 helpline numbers or other relevant helpline numbers. But it doesn't do that. It is just a tracking application. And as it is always on and needs GPS and Bluetooth to stay on as well, it might drain the phone's battery faster. But that is a small price to pay if it helps defeat the dreadful enemy called Coronavirus.

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