What is 2001 Maniacs Really About?

By Newguy

What is 2001 Maniacs Really About?

As always this is tongue in cheek look at the film and will be spoiler filled.

Civil war through the credits to show us back story.

Statistics in History lesson is that really important?

Busted, yeah this one is coming back again.

Warning and Party is Over cliché.

Eli Roth Cameo.

Hot girl slow motion entry.

Here’s my number, so call me maybe?

Shortcut cliché.

Ghost town, wait there are people ready to party.

Freddy Krueger is here, and he only has one eye.

Pussy wagon references.

That’s racist.

Sheep shagging and we aren’t even in Wales.

That is the psychic from Insidious.

Classy girl reaching for what see wants.

Crazy Hicks.

Diced to Meet You.

Eating your friend with tattoo being the only hint.

Mayor doesn’t like blacks, Chinese or gays.

Let’s all get laid cliché.

Tired down, whips and latex am I watching 50 Shades of Grey?

Are all teenagers this horny? yes it is being used twice.

Milk these.

Suck this, ok this is a pretty brilliant death scene.

Separating the boys and the girls.

Let’s get pretty.

All woman in this film must get naked contract I guess.

Ring the bell it’s your time to die.

Not medically possible.

You can’t leave now.

Worst sneaking around ever.

Let’s split because that always works in horror film.

Perfectly falling knife cliché.

Random vampire like scene.

Bit of a squeeze in there making it eye pooping experience.

Become one of us.

Dual for honor.

Not my good eye.

You can go.


Second Twist.

Where’s your head at