What I'm Thankful For

By Koridonahue @blondeepisodes

Tomorrow's the big day!  Thanksgiving is here and I once again can't believe how fast 2011 has flown by. I know most of you will be spending time with family tomorrow, so I might not have a new blog post up.  In honor of Thanksgiving, I wanted to share with you all what I'm thankful for.  So here goes.
1.  I'M THANKFUL FOR...my fabulous family

(Mom, Dad and Me...brother won't let me post pics of him lol)
2.  I'M THANKFUL FOR...my job

3.  I'M THANKFUL FOR...my friends

4.  I'M THANKFUL FOR...Mimi La Rue

5.  I'M THANKFUL FOR...the daily blessings God has given me

What are you thankful for?  I'd love for you to share!  Have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving friends.  See you all on Friday, when I announce the winner of my Shabby Apple Giveaway!
All photos by Kori Donahue courtesy of Blonde Episodes