What I Wore: More of a Good Thing

By Wardrobeoxygen

Dress: Issa for Banana Republic (XL) ( similar, plus option) | Bag: LOFT (very old - similar) | Shoes: Nine West | Bracelet: Rebecca Minkoff ( similar) | Earrings: Argento Vivo

I bought this Issa for Banana Republic dress many years ago when they had the collection and it has been by far one of my best purchases and completely worth paying full price. The material, cut, pattern... I never tire or it. Recently Adrien at Looks Good from the Back mentioned how she found an Issa dress on eBay and it inspired me to look for another dress from the Banana Republic Issa collection. I didn't want exactly the same, but a similar concept. I found this one and it was sized by letters while my current dress is a 14. I went with an XL figuring it's easier to alter or cinch if too big rather than too small. I like that it's longer than my other dress, has fitted arms which looks more appropriate at the office, and has my favorite color of orange in the print. Also the gently used eBay price was only a third of what I paid for my other Issa for Banana dress!