What I Wore: Hosting Thanksgiving

By Unefemme @DejaPseu

An unexpectedly warm day meant I had to scrap my planned outfit for Thanksgiving and go back to square one. We were hosting the family gathering (10 people) and even though I didn’t have to do much cooking, there was still lots of prep and clean-up. I wanted to be comfortable, but also festive. A lightweight silk pajama blouse in a fun print was enough to dress up black ankle pants and a tee.

shirt | necklace | tee | rings | pants | shoes

I love the unicorn print on this shirt. It reminds me of the “Lady and the Unicorn” tapestries at the Musée de Cluny. The tapestries were restored in 2013, a few years after we’d visited the museum. I’d love to go back and see how they look now.