What I Wore: Back In Action!

By Fringefries
Forever 21 over-sized shirt, American Apparel shiny leggings, Forever 21 mint green scarf

... yes I am telling her boob to talk to the hand.

First of all... My apologies for the horrible MIA-ing I've been doing the last two weeks. I swear I have legitimate reasoning for my disappearing act.
1. I was vacationing in Canada for One week (UH-mazing, pictures to come soon!)

2. Right when I got back I got sick- how perfect!

3. I'm in the process of looking for a new home and moving sucks!

4. I've just been trying to milk this vacation feeling as long as possible. I.e. I've been extremely lazy (my bad).
Secondly, how cool is this background!? If it doesn't bring back memories of school photos in the 90s... then maybe a splatter paint back drop might?
Well it's good to be back!